Join Alena of Celebrate Every Step in interviews with others that embrace the sacredness and intention in their lives and are open to many healing modalities.And join Alena in sharing the stories of the signs, symbols, synchronicities she has experienced and those shared with her.
Have you ever experienced the power of signs, symbols, and synchronicities? They're everywhere, guiding us towards our destiny and helping us understand the mysterious forces at play in our lives. And sometimes, they can be downright creepy and unexplained. But that's the beauty of it all - the veil between our world and the spiritual realm is thin, and there's so much more to discover beyond what we can see with our physical eyes. Embrace the magic and tap into your intuition with intention, and see what wonders unfold.
Beyond the physical world lies a realm of wonder and enchantment, where those who embrace the sacred and intentional life find their true purpose. There are stories waiting to be told - tales of magic, mystery, and meaning that reveal the inner workings of the universe itself. Join us on this journey of discovery as we explore the depths of our souls and uncover the power of the divine within us all.
I learned that healing isn't just about mending physical wounds - it's about restoring balance to all aspects of our being. Whether it's mental, emotional, or spiritual pain, the journey towards wholeness is sacred and deeply personal. Through intention and self-reflection, we can tap into our inner wisdom and begin to unravel the layers that hold us back. Embrace all parts of ourselves and trust in the power of universal energy to guide you along the way. Remember, healing often happens in the quiet spaces within.
Alena, Madeline & Abigail Talk Spinal Energetics!
Alena & Carolyn talk Glastonbury's Sacredness
Alena & Lu Talk Plants & Stewardship of Mother Earth!
Alena & Jennifer Talk the Evolution of a Tarot Business!
Alena & Stephanie Talk NeuroFitness!
Alena & Her Husband Matt Discuss Heart Health & Grief in Men