Jan. 28, 2025

Alena & Jennifer Talk the Evolution of a Tarot Business!

Alena & Jennifer Talk the Evolution of a Tarot Business!

Alena & Jennifer Talk the Evolution of a Tarot Business!

Business Name: Two Mile Tarot, LLC

Business Description: Certified Tarot Master/Archetypal Tarotist

Brief Bio: Two Mile Tarot was born out of a deep passion for the mystical world of Tarot. With over 10 years of experience in studying and reading Tarot, I have honed my skills to provide insightful and accurate readings. I am a Certified Tarot Master, with training in Reiki, Mediumship and Astrology. I specialize is archetypal style readings and have completed the 10-week Tarot intensive Archetypal Tarot School. My dedication to helping others through my intuitive gifts has led me to establish Two Mile Tarot as a trusted source for insight and guidance.

Expo Offer: Tarot readings

mini readings $20

Full readings $40

Website: www.twomiletarot.com

Instagram: @teomiletarot

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100041945240694


Contact Alena of Celebrate Every Step, LLC, at alenakgourley@celebrateeverystep.com

Find me on Facebook Instagram Website YouTube & TikTok all @ celebrateeverystep

Sign up for Celebrate Every Step, LLC email list to keep in touch. You will receive my past life regression guided meditation recording and journal prompts.

But wait there's more. I will be sharing pop up deals and starting a monthly giveaway of readings, books, decks and crystals. http://eepurl.com/hR_8PP

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