June 11, 2024

12 - Lydia Sullivan: You Gotta Play to Win

I’m Lydia Sullivan, VP of Operations at the Society for Information Management (SIM). I help thousands of leading technology executives stay connected, build community, and grow together. I’ve been a certified Association Executive for 5 years, in association management for 10 years, and in nonprofit management roles for 15 years. My career has allowed me to support boards, philanthropic organizations, and chapters of national associations in various industries.

Lydia has also worked in mental and behavioral health with youth. This experience has helped her develop patience, a good sense of humor and empathy which she finds invaluable in building trust and staying focused on the human impact in every interaction.

In her free time, you can find her doing major house projects with her husband, visiting our local breweries and distilleries, rooting for the Houston Astros, tubing down a lazy river, passing out free hugs, or applying to be on game shows and winning random giveaways. She has won a year's supply of the oddest things, from fried chicken to soap. Maybe she's just lucky, but she does know that you have to play if you want to win.

Connect with Lydia on Linked In Here.