Come on a journey…into yoga, where we explore and demystify yoga and its many postures.
Beginning with a clear and concise explanation of the pose du jour, the show then guides you through a different posture each week. If you have 10 minutes you have enough time for this user friendly auditory practice. If you have always been curious about this thing called yoga, join us for a low time commitment yet high return show - the only thing you have to lose is stress.
The show is hosted by Avery Rich, an Advanced Certified yoga instructor who received her certification from the Yoga Centre Winnipeg. A former lawyer, Avery continues to help people problem solve, only now her methods are on the yoga mat. Teaching into her second decade, Avery resides in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
When we toe sit, our feet are encouraged to stretch and our toes are encouraged to find space.
Today we are going to work with an actions that is one of my personal favourites - ball rolling under the feet!
Our “foot” action today is one that can almost be done anywhere and there really is no specific position you have to be in to do it - all you need is for your feet to be free.
This episode will help to stretch out all parts of the feet finding space!
Sun salutes are challenging, but can bring a lot of energy to the body.
Downward dog is not a new pose in our journey, but it forms an integral part of a sun salute sequence so here we go!
Avery Rich is an Advanced Certified yoga instructor who received her certification from the Yoga Centre Winnipeg. A former lawyer, Avery continues to help people problem solve, only now her methods are on the yoga mat. Teaching into her second decade, Avery resides in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Aidan Glassey is an editor and producer for the Soundoff Media Company.
Chloe Emond-Lane is an editor for the Soundoff Media Company.
Executive Producer
Matt Cundill is the owner of the Soundoff Media Company, and the Executive Producer of the Journey Into Yoga podcast.
Lead Graphic Artist
Asher Rich is a student of the University of Manitoba Fine Arts program. He will be graduating in 2024. He is also the Lead Graphic Artist for the Journey Into Yoga podcast.