Let's Do Lunge!
When we explore the lunge in yoga, we find a pose that not only strengthens the body but also helps to improve our flexibility as well.
Lunge is a perfect pose that helps to examine 2 very different aspects we find in yoga: strength and flexibility. This pose does them both. Within the practice of yoga there are some poses that address flexibility more, some that address strength more, but there also postures that do both: lunge is a perfect example of one such double duty postures. In addition to being an important stand alone pose, lunge is also a wonderful gateway pose to other energetic standing poses.
Hi and welcome to your journey into yoga - I’m Avery Rich and am so happy to have you along for the ride
In my last episode, we explored standing tall on our own two feet - well let’s continue on with the momentum of finding our feet and journey on with another standing pose! And, spoiler alert, it’s a good one! Also spoiler alert, you have probably seen, heard of, or have some familiarity with this next posture. So let’s lunge in…to lunge!
I have heard it called by different names - sometimes referred to as runners lunge or even raised knee lunge, this is an energetic posture. Even though it requires energy, it also gives energy back, so there’s that! If you are listening to this episode but are feeling tired, you may want to come back to do the pose when you are feeling more energetic - it will always be available to you!
When we examined boat pose or navasana in episode 10, I discussed how some yoga poses are more about strength, some yoga poses are more about flexibility, and some are about both strength and flexibility - Lunge falls into this last category.
I must admit I’m a bit confused - I thought yoga was all about the stretch??
Confusion is natural - the best way I can explain it is this: Yoga is about balance. Think of it as a well rounded practice - if we only ever did forward folds, we would be missing out on heart openers - same thing with strength and flexibility…Yes, we want to work and challenge our flexibility in yoga in order to find space, but also, we need to work on strength too. This ensures that we are receiving a blend of poses and allowing the body to build both strength and flexibility. As we know, some of us need more work with flexibility and some of us need more work building strength, and this is why yoga includes poses that address a little bit of everything for every body.
When we examine lunge, its ability to both strengthen and stretch the body is something to be admired. In lunge, while one side of the body is stretched, the other side is strengthened. Lunge also helps to improve balance and stability, all the while strengthening the leg, glutes, arms and core muscles.
Before we dive into this wonderful and energizing posture, I want to make sure you have what you may need to help with the pose. It’s all together possible that you would benefit from having two blocks (and if you don’t have them no worries) or even a chair to support your hands in this pose.
Without further adieu, let’s lunge in
Let’s begin standing tall on our mats or non slip surface. Now, on an inhale sweep your arms up to the sky and as you exhale fold forward from the hips taking your hands to:
-a chair or
-2 yoga blocks or
-the ground. Decide where the hands most comfortably rest
Once your hands are firmly planted, step your left foot far back coming to the ball of that left foot with the heel on that left foot lifted. Your right leg will be bent and you want to make sure that the ankle and knee of that bent right leg are stacked, meaning that the knee is not coming in front of the ankle. Once you are here, you have arrived. Now let’s hold for 5 breaths. Shifting your hips back, step your left foot forward and return to standing. Now let’s move into the second side
Once again standing tall, on an inhale sweep your arms up to the sky and as you exhale fold forward from the hips taking your hands back down to where they were for side one. Once your hands are firmly planted, step your right foot far back coming to the ball of that right foot with the heel on that right foot lifted. Your left leg will be bent and you want to make sure that your ankle and knee of that bent left leg are stacked, meaning that the knee is not coming in front of the ankle. Once you are here, you have arrived. Now let’s hold for 5 breaths. Shifting your hips back, step your right foot forward and return to standing.
As you return to standing notice how you feel - take a full deep inhale breath up the front body and now a full deep exhale breath down the back body.
Feel free to move into shavasana, but just know that lunge is an energizing pose, so if you are geared up and ready to tackle the rest of your day carry on! I look forward to continuing our journey together next time!