Nov. 23, 2021

9. How Not to Lose Your Shit

9. How Not to Lose Your Shit

The holidays are coming, and while it is supposed to be a joyful time of year, it is also that time of year that is the most stressful.    Planning for the holidays means you have to factor in all your mom duties and add all the holiday...

The holidays are coming, and while it is supposed to be a joyful time of year, it is also that time of year that is the most stressful.    Planning for the holidays means you have to factor in all your mom duties and add all the holiday duties on top of it. While you may be a supermom, it’s pretty easy to lose your cool and freak out during this time of year (we’ve all been there).    In today’s episode, I’m talking about how to keep your cool and not lose your mind during the holiday season, and during all the other times of the year. I share why mom rage happens and how to set boundaries and voice what you need to feel supported. There’s no shame in losing your cool but there are better ways of handling it so that everyone feels heard, supported and loved.    In this episode, we cover:

  • How to deal with triggers, not feel attacked and not lose your cool during some challenging moments. Why does mom rage happen?  [3:53]
  • Acknowledging mom rage means that you’re able to handle it better the next time a situation arises [13:10]
  • Take care of yourself by setting boundaries that prioritize yourself and your own care [18:36]
  • How to prioritize self care when you feel there aren’t enough minutes in the day [22:46]
  • Setting boundaries and expectations for the whole family to ensure the whole environment is healthy and moves smoothly [29:31]
  • Try to see and hear yourself from the perspective of your kids. Are you effectively communicating how you truly feel so that you are able to understand each other? [33:16]

Connect with Scottie:

IG: @scottiedurrett