Boiling Point - Episode 006 - Dino Dogan

Introducing Dino Dogan
His hails him as a “Global Force for Badassery” and we agree. Dino is a public speaker, author, blogger, mixed martial artist and recovering network engineer and singer/songwriter. He is also...
Introducing Dino Dogan
His website hails him as a “Global Force for Badassery” and we agree. Dino is a public speaker, author, blogger, mixed martial artist and recovering network engineer and singer/songwriter. He is also the founder of Triberr, the social network for bloggers. Greg met Dino in Las Vegas at the New Media Expo, which is a convention for bloggers, podcasters, and web video. Greg broke his own rule at conventions when he went to the bar and ordered a drink… by HIMSELF. Dino quickly came over, introduced himself, and invited Greg to sit with him and his group. A new connection and friendship was born and soon after Greg was a guest on Dino’s “Road to TED” podcast speaking about his then upcoming speech for TEDx New Brunswick.
As mentioned above, Dino is the founder of Triberr. Bloggers join Triberr and are placed into “tribes” according to the type of content they generally write about. Then bloggers share each other’s content on their own blogs. This allows for more content than they could create alone and helps to build their audience. This strategy has made for millions of extra hits each month to Triberr blogger sites. Within days of creating Triberr, Dino was getting requests from brands to promote their products. That is exactly what he did through the use of influence marketing.
We all know of professional athletes and celebrities who make endorsements for companies, like Michael Jordan for Nike. Number 23 gets paid big bucks to promote the brand and his sneakers on a mass scale. Now imagine, a bunch of mini-Air-Mikes, each with a small, but loyal and trusting niche audience. This is what Triberr sets up between bloggers and brands. Unlike Air Jordan’s mass appeal with a disengaged audience, influence marketing through bloggers deals in smaller audiences but with much deeper impact of persuasion.
In this episode
Dino gives his tips for becoming a fascinating, polarizing, badass blogger (with metaphorical balls). He tells us about the “low-hanging fruit” for established companies to build their online footprint through blogging. Greg remembers the importance of talking and connecting with people and building tribes. Dave learns a lot about the current media landscape. As Dino says, “it takes a tribe to build a blog”, and we learn all about how do this with Triberr.
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