Pete Tessier & Curt Wyatt host the leading podcast about Insurance. Whether it's home insurance, auto insurance, business, people, insurance companies or more the Insurance Podcast discusses the relevant issues within the P&C insurance sector. From CEOs, to insurance brokers, VPs, owners, innovators, the podcast will feature those within the insurance industry who lead change. This podcast also considers the future with social media, consumer facing, fin-tech or startups, or AI, we will shed light on what technology is doing to insurance products and companies.
CAT losses grow in frequency, severity and unpredictability and CAT IQ Connect is the event to talk about how insurance will have to change to manage change forced upon it.
Guidewire is preparing insurers for the future by putting agility first, and Connections 2024 was the reveal for how the industry will change at the top and shape the rest.
Framing the year of insurance in 2024 through specific quotes from our guests and discussing our favorite trends, people, and more while looking at 2025.
Captive insurance is more accessible than ever, the Cayman Captive Forum helps promote new solutions for insureds who have never had access.
In the final episode we look back at who we met in 2019 and see what five years has done and how two new companies are serving the entity that everyone said was going to be extinct in 2019.
In our second episode from Insuretech Connect we bring C-suite execs from Neuralmetrics, Optalitix, Carpe Data, & Novidea to show the route between data usage from risk and product through to distribution and delivering insig...