Season 1

May 28, 2019

Ryan Mathisen from Glove Box

For insurance agents and customers in the US something cool is coming and that's the release of the and the CEO Ryan Mathisen joined the Insurance Podcast to talk about this app. Ryan is not your typical youn...
April 10, 2019

Season 1 Recap- Part 2

Taking a deep dive into the best of the second half guests from the first season of the Insurance Podcast. Great thoughts from Adam Mitchell, Dario Battista, Thomas Accardo, Graham Haigh, Justin Thouin, Katherine Ferrante, J...
April 1, 2019

Season 1 Recap Part 1

The first season of The Insurance Podcast has come to an end. Here's part one of the season review featuring, Alister Campbell, Stuart Bruce, Alyson Shane, Mike Berris, Chuck Byrne, Lance Miller, David Sussman, Paul McDonald...
March 14, 2019

Jen Pugsley-Goose Digital

Insurance is ever-changing and Jen Puglsey from Goose Digital drops by to talk about how marketing automation is as important as ever if insurance brokers want to have an omni-channel presence. Jen is a former insurance brok...
March 9, 2019

Steve Pieroway-Policy Works

Data is the big driver in the insurance industry right now but understanding connectivity is still vital to the success of insurance distribution. Steve Pieroway from PolicyWorks drops by to talk about how brokers need compe...
March 4, 2019

Ron Glozman-Chisel

Artificial Intelligence never looked so cool as Ron Glozman of joins the podcast to talk about how AI will help the insurance industry be better at what it does- providing 'bespoke service'. That's Ron's term but i...
Feb. 7, 2019

Greg McCutcheon, President Opta

Do you understand how intelligent data is being used within the insurance industry? Greg McCutcheon, President of Opta joins the Insurance Podcast to discuss how brokers and insurers can use data to improve their books of bus...
Jan. 29, 2019

The ICBC Debate

It's the great debate on public or private auto insurance in British Columbia. Former IBABC President Andrew Tablotney speaks on behalf of the insurance broker interest and Aaron Sutherlan VP West of the Insurance Bureau of ...
Jan. 8, 2019

Justin Thouin -

Do you use rate comparison sites? If not Justin Thouin of is going to change that because he sees where the future is for consumers with financial services. His company is so consumer focussed they do not even ...
Dec. 7, 2018

Matthew Turack from CAA

It's fun to have one of the nice guys come on the show but don't let Matthew's gentle demeanor fool you-not only is he nice but he's smart as well. Matthew talks about various initiatives with CAA and how they look at their v...
Nov. 8, 2018

Jeff Roy from Excalibur Group

Is Jeff Roy the most energetic person in the Canadian Insurance industry? He might be but it's not technology that led him to be a pioneer with online service. It started by looking at his brand. Jeff's story is one every bro...
Oct. 29, 2018

Dario Battista from

Understanding brand leverage never happened so easily until Dario Battista joined the Podcast. Dario's pearls of wisdom about brand development and offering a unique value proposition go beyond the insurance industry. It's ea...
Oct. 16, 2018

Graham Haigh - Wawanesa

Graham Haigh joins Pete Tessier to discuss Wawanesa, the state of insurance in Canada, technology and innovation. Graham expands on the challenges in the marketplace and explains some the decision making to stop being a direc...
Sept. 20, 2018

Natalia Moudrak talks about climate adaptation

Understanding infrastructure has never been so much fun as Natalia Moudrak of the Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation talks about how the risk of flood is affected insurance companies. More importantly she explains how cities...
Sept. 7, 2018

Adam Mitchell of Mitchell and Whale

The laid back approach of Adam Mitchell, CEO of Mitchell and Whale Insurance Brokers is just a disguise for a focussed company that likes to think different. Maybe they are not quite like Apple but Adam explains why 'what's t...
July 30, 2018

David Sussman - Plasmatic Technologies Inc.

Connected smart home technology never looked so cool or sounded so interesting after David Sussman of Plasmatic stopped by to discuss how the smart home will help change insurance. Brokers and consumers will soon know the val...
June 18, 2018

Jay Bregman - Verifly: Adaption Not Disruption

Jay Bregman from Verifly drops by to talk about changing landscape of on-demand insurance. Jay describes how the company went from insuring drones to being able to sell whole categories of insurance to contract workers in the...
May 30, 2018

Alister Campbell - Boxx Insurance

Known as one of the best quotes in the insurance industry Alister Campbell is as smart as he is funny. With involvement in new MGA Boxx Insurance and their cyber liability products Alister seems to always be involved in the ...