Talking to a chat bot should not be this fun but Avdhesh Sexana, the founder and creator of the Friendly Agent Chat Bot, explains what so many within the insurance industry don't understand about the technology. Chat bots ar...
Claims service is when insurance matters most but the often overlooked part is how to make the payment of claims efficient. Jeff Brown, the President of Vpay, explains how their service solves so many problems for the payee ...
Broker technology comes in many forms but Sherif Gemeyal has been a pioneer in the next phase of the customer-facing insurance experience. Sherif and Marnie Osborne share their experience with how the broker distribution cha...
There's a perception about the mutual insurers but John Taylor, CEO of OMIA, is ready to dispel it. These aren't smaller companies filling a niche, rather they are a group of long-standing innovators that have served segment...
All corporations are using social responsibility as part of their brand value but no on within the insurance industry does it like Aviva. They started with the Aviva Community Fund and have now moved on to a new cause, Take ...
AJ Altman, the CEO and founder of Hover is happy to change the parts of the insurance industry, in fact he's inspired to do so for all the right reasons. AJ has a incredible story about inspiration and risk and not how to lo...
It's one thing to talk to a company developing AI technology but to talk with their key customer is another thing but that's what happened in this episode when the co-founder of Boost AI, Henry Vaage Iversen and the Business ...
Innovation does not have to come from the 'big guys' when it comes to insurance companies and Val Fehr, CEO of My Mutual Insurance is proof. Val's beliefs formed a long time ago and once the chance arose was able to put them...
Insurance sales always seemed complicated until Mark Evans from Standard Sales reached out. As the guest on this episode, Mark explains how creating the right experience with innovative touch points, value mapping the custom...
Insurance can be seen as a ruthless business and at times it is, but David Ferreiro from USI Insurance Services has a different view. David explains how brokers can insure to their values and how empowering the next generati...
While insurance regulation may not be the most glamorous subject the new regulator for Ontario's FSRA branch Tim Bzowey might be able to change that perception. With IBC's Don Forgeron asking the questions Tim explains his p...
Recruitment and holding on to talent is everything in the insurance industry right now and the IBAO 2019 Convention delivered the "Talent Pipeline" Tip Talk. This talk featured three leaders around talent and the insurance i...
A round table discussion featuring 5 of Canada's top insurance companies executives including: Carol Jardine, Rowan Saunders, Bob Tisdale, Heather Masterson, and Louis Gagnon. With two sessions featuring commercial and pers...
Fresh off Canada’s 2019 Federal Election mid-October, Ginny joins us to explain how election results will impact both Canada and the province of Ontario, focusing on the implications to small and large businesses and the broa...
For many Canadians, the impacts of climate change are associated with the Arctic or low-lying tropical Pacific islands flooded by rising sea levels—a mindset that causes complacency and unpreparedness as Canadian households b...
Marketers have shifted from mass to millennial—a generation in the thick of life’s biggest moments, claiming their position as head of household—and every brand is competing for their attention. Learn Andrew’s winning formula...
Almost live from the IBAO 2019 convention in Toronto is the recap of the BIP talk guests featuring The Water Brothers on climate change, Andrew Au on marketing to millennials, Ginny Roth on the federal election and political ...
When you get a chance to talk to someone with Bob Tisdale's experience and wisdom you jump at it. With his recent retirement announcement and legacy with Pembridge Insurance having Bob as a guest was a real coup. Bob's caree...
The final installment talking about #ITC2019 what was learned and experienced. This episodes features guests from GIC, IBM,, Core Logic, Hover, Anthemis and Bold Penguin. Trying to make sense of what is at Insuretec...
The IBAO convention is coming up on October 23rd and 24th and we'll be there to capture the entire event but before that Colin Simpson, IBAO CEO is the guest. There are plenty of issues surrounding the insurance industry and...
What happens after day one at Insuretech Connect? It's late afternoon in Las Vegas the skies are clear and air is warm so insurance folks head to the pool deck to unwind and decompress. So I pulled out a couple of microphon...
CAA is launching a marketing program exclusively for insurance brokers and Brent Closs from CAA talks about why the broker distribution channel requires a specific set of marketing skills. How do you ask the right questions ...
In this episode John McClelland founder of miBroker talks about how building an online insurance solution requires understanding how 'digital natives' behave. John Also shares his wisdom about how using various insurer innov...
What do insurance broker and agents really know about advising cyber insurance products? Are they aware of what the risks and perils really are? Elias Puurunen of Northern HCI Solutions explains how the threat vectors in th...