ITC Episode 3: Transverse Ventures, Hover,, & Agent Sync

In the final episode we look back at who we met in 2019 and see what five years has done and how two new companies are serving the entity that everyone said was going to be extinct in 2019.
Our final installment from Insuretech Connect in Las Vegas begins with a look at where things were five years ago to how the endangered species of agents and brokers are now commanding attention and respect.
In this episode:
- How the venture funding world looks at insurance and technology now compared to 2019
- Why climate change is affecting business models for insurance and claims
- The importance of interfacing policy data with live acquired data for better experience
- How making people not upset with insurance is just as good as making them excited about it
- Why compliance is filled with NIGO submissions and the pain that causes
- When companies address the onboarding process they increase efficiency and ROI on their talent
This episode features two companies we met in 2019 and how they see the industry and 2 who are finding value through creating enhanced efficiencies and experiences for agents and brokers, something few believed was important five years ago.
If you want to see each interview separately, check out our Youtube channel here: The Insurance Podcast
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