June 12, 2024

Our Best AI Hacks

The episode has been a long time coming. But it's well worth the wait. AI is everywhere and today we broke out our best production skills and have decided to share all our secrets.

The Podcast Superfriends get together to review their favourite AI-powered tools. We reviewed the following.

David showed us a jingle/song tool called Suno. Cost: nil.

Matt Reviewed Vocal Remover which is free and separates the music from the vocal leaving you with two files to play with. (Thanks to James Cridland who shared this idea at Radiodays North America last week)

Catherine shared one of her favorite tools from CoSchedule - which is their Headline writing feature. There is a cost to it but it takes out all the mystery out of SEO.

Johnny gave us a tour of Adobe's Enhanced audio tool which turns your crappy echoey mess of a podcast and makes it sound like it was recorded in a studio. It is free but will only do 30 minutes at a time at the free level. A paid version of Adobe willl give you full access.

Finally, Jag in Detroit, Jon Gay gave us some serious updates on Descript's Underlord, Riverside's forthcoming updates, and a non-AI hack to get rid of echo using RX-11 from Izotope.


Sarah Burke (Voiceover)  0:01  
welcome to the podcast Super Friends. Five podcast producers from across North America get together to discuss podcasting.

Jon Gay  0:13  
Welcome to this month's edition of the podcast Superfriends where today we are hopefully not going to put ourselves out of business and show you the best hacks to this AI hacks rather for your podcast. I am John Gay from jagged Detroit podcast. Let's go around the room and introduce ourselves. We'll start north of the border.

Matt Cundill  0:29  
Matt Cundill from the sound off Podcast Network. We're located in Winnipeg, Canada this week.

Jon Gay  0:34  
This week he's back home down to Baton Rouge. Oh, hello,

Catherine O'Brien  0:38  
everybody from the warm swamp. My name is Catherine O'Brien. I'm a Podcast Producer branch out programs branch out programs.com

Jon Gay  0:44  
Fort Worth.

Johnny Podcasts  0:46  
Howdy. I'm Johnny Johnny podcasts, and I'm also a Podcast Producer

Jon Gay  0:50  
and home of the almost NBA champion Boston Celtics. Hey, hey,

Johnny Podcasts  0:55  
Corazon, Jake's injured. He's day to day. This changes everything.

David Yas  1:00  
changes nothing as far as I'm concerned. David Yeah, as pod 617 dot com the Boston Podcast Network. So

Jon Gay  1:06  
a big thank you to Matt for organizing today's topic. And that is the AI hacks our favorite AI hacks in podcasting. Most of you who put together pre produced videos, I did not follow directions. So I'll do mine live. But we've got a few different hacks and a few different tools we're going to show you this afternoon. So we're gonna start with David because David has found a way to create a theme song for podcasts. So we're going to start from the ground up with Damon's video Matt if that would help please

Audio Clip  1:39  
be there the tech savvy bear in the world of beyond competitor seasoned professionals, they've got the maturity there the Brady and Bella check to cybersecurity. Cyber zone breaking down the tech Israel is their home sports talk and great businesses droves. The podcast is amazing. Hey guys, mazel tov. They'll take you through the startups the highs and the lows with TD sports passion the excitement grows, leads halls wisdom and jokes all that jazz must say to better than Felder and CyberZone breaking down the tech sports talking great business in droves. The podcast is amazing. Hey guys, mazel tov. D de Gaulle in the cyber delight attitudes to the left chutzpah to the right is top notch podcasts a shirt or press show that teeny elite assaults show the ultimate men.

Jon Gay  2:38  
All right, David, we're gonna want to start with with how you put that together because that is phenomenal. Yeah,

David Yas  2:43  
so it's a couple that do a podcast obviously called the DD and alotau show they happen to be Israeli. They are very good humoured. Even though the podcast is about the serious topic of cybersecurity. They have a lot of fun on the show. So I wanted to create a theme song for them. And we've talked on this pot a lot about how you open the show. And you know, we usually we say keep it simple, but sometimes it is a chore to find music that isn't copyright protected and that you can use freely on a podcast. I found a site somebody told me about a site called sumo.com su N Oh, and it is it's pretty amazing. It's it's artificially Intel artificial intelligence created music. What you do is you just hit the tab that says Create and then it'll ask you if you want you can give a simple prompt as you would to like judge up to you could say right theme song for DD and Latasha, they're an Israeli couple that are expert in cybersecurity, tell them a few things about it. It will write the whole song for you for this theme song. I kind of wanted to control the lyrics a little bit. So I started with chat GPT the old fashioned the old school robot, right? Jasmine btw, and I told them a lot of stuff about Diddy and Natal and things I wanted in there. It came up with the lyrics. suno allows you to either pick your own lyrics or have the robot generate the lyrics. Then you select a style of music and it so far I've experimented with it. It can do everything it could do. country rock, upbeat hip hop, old school hip hop, radio, jingle sitcom theme, any style you want, it'll create it this one I think I said upbeat hip hop and that's what it came out with. And then the video I use descript which is a little bit off topic, but if you're looking for theme music, it takes a little playing around with because I had a hard time getting it able to pronounce literally tiles name correctly, so I had to spell it out phonetically. It still doesn't know how to say let's but but

Jon Gay  4:53  
yeah, I don't know how you spell that went out phonetically? Yeah. No, no. So

David Yas  4:57  
someday, you know We'll get Jewish robots. But anyway, so it's an it like a lot of artificial intelligence. It is stunning how quick it is. For now. suno is free. As far as I can tell, I think there's an upgrade to some version, but whatever it is, I don't need it.

Jon Gay  5:15  
But what you create a new creative for free, Dave? Correct? Yep.

David Yas  5:19  
So yeah, and it'll it every time you do a request, it gives you two versions of the song. And every song is about three minutes long or so. So, but that, of course, you know, us being audio editors, if we want to, we can mess with that and slice it and dice it and edit it. So it's, it's also great for, like, I made a little jingle for a music podcast, and I sometimes appear upon. If you want to lose just sort of a little fun intro segment for any of your pods. I would experimented Sumo sumo.com.

Jon Gay  5:56  
As I'm thinking this through David, you could almost be something of that length three minutes, you could almost produce that full song as your trailer. And you could take snippets as the intro for each individual episode. This is a really cool tool that you're showing us today.

David Yas  6:08  
Yeah, exactly. And, you know, you let your imagination run wild. I mean, I once paid a company to create some some radio style jingles. And they weren't terribly expensive, but you had to pay for them. And they were able to customize them. This does it all for you. And you can just keep feeding the thing, new ideas to come up with new things. So it's a it's a tremendous time saver. It's you know, it's creating things that that is just a really nice compliment can something that can get you looking for a segment to jazz up your podcast. This is a cool, and it's it sounds slick, it sounds professional.

Jon Gay  6:46  
Very well done.

Catherine O'Brien  6:47  
The sound, the song parody, possibilities seem endless. That would be really cool.

David Yas  6:53  
That's right. Yeah. And if you you know, it will, the one thing I won't do is if you get you can't type in style, you can't say like Tom Petty or Bruce Springsteen. It'll, it'll, it'll hit you on that. But you know, so for, say,

Johnny Podcasts  7:07  
how much variety is the voice? Like? Like, can you have famous people's voices? Anything like that? I'm sure that's down now.

David Yas  7:16  
Yeah, it right, maybe. But I know there are apps out there that that will mimic celebrities voices. I don't know where those are going. Because that's a lawsuit. Yeah, exactly. I'm not I'm not so sure that's completely legal. But, you know, if you wanted something that sounds like I haven't tried it, but on suunto.com If you wanted something that sounds like Springsteen, I would say, you know, the rock music of New Jersey or Asbury Park, New Jersey or something like that, and it'll get it'll get it so you know, you can say grunge you can you can be more specific. And the the voices have been a lot of different voices on there. I mean, I imagine you could say female voice male voice you could say, you know, so.

Johnny Podcasts  7:58  
So speaking of the music, the lawsuit that you said, Matt, my favorite reel that I came across yesterday is a an AI artists called Conway Fitty, which is 50 cent. A 50 cent song being sung by Conway Twitty and his wedding. Yeah, is one of the best things I've ever heard. Oh, want to hear that.

Jon Gay  8:18  
Shot through that link in the show notes. All right, any other things? Anything else for David on Suunto before we move along? Yeah,

Matt Cundill  8:25  
I was just thinking about uses for it. And I see a marketing opportunity here that you if you can do a one minute, and you can pair it up with you know, video from, you know, the hosts? Yeah, that's that'll work. Sure.

Jon Gay  8:41  
All right, Matt. Well, you have the golden microphone here. Why don't we take a look at vocal remover. Explain. If you want to sort of set it up for us for the video first. Yeah, I

Matt Cundill  8:49  
better give some credit here before James Cridland says Didn't I just tell you about that last week, which is what happened. He was at Radio Days North America and he shows up with a bag of tools every year, about five or six things that radio people could really benefit from. And every year he will talk about the script and radio people are amazed that this thing even exists, even though is it has existed since September of 2019. But the one that he showed me, I thought Oh, that's interesting. It's called vocal remover. And I made a little demo for everybody to enjoy. Vocal remover.org Lots of fun features over here, including the vocal remover and isolation which is the one we're going to sample today but it also has a side splitter AI which will split music into separate parts with AI powered algorithms. Pitcher can change audio speed and pitch changer. There's also a BPM finder, there's a cutter there's an audio joiner and there's also a recorder. I think this was built for karaoke though. I think if you see the remover To up above, we can see that recording voice over song here so you can sing your own karaoke but backup to the remover here and this is the one we're going to sample today. Actually before I jump into that I'm going to play you what we are going to remove

Jamie Watson  10:17  
power with a new AC DC get to power 97 The lights will flicker.

Matt Cundill  10:26  
The ceiling light bulbs will explode. pop pop pop pop like that. The station will grow quiet a foreboding glow from under the door and the door knob little ever so slightly turn. Alright, so you get the idea for that. So we're going to upload it and we're going to separate out the music from the vocal. And voila there you have it. You've got your vocal and your music. They're both separated. So the music up above and just listen to the vocal part. I think that's the more interesting part of the two where is the play button? How

Jamie Watson  11:14  
How will the new AC DC get to power 97 The lights will flicker yearly. electrical sparks will fall through the ceiling. Light

bulbs will explode. Pop up like that.

The station will grow quiet.

Foreboding glow from under the door and the doorknob will

Matt Cundill  11:38  
end if you just wanted the music part. Well, that too is also possible

and there you have it. Vocal remover.org

Jon Gay  12:11  
My radio spidey senses tingling that you want to give a shout out to the person who produced that promo because it was phenomenal.

Matt Cundill  12:17  
Oh it was done 10 years ago, longer. It was done 15 years ago by Evan Sieminski, who is still with the sound off media company. And oh,

David Yas  12:27  
man, I thought I thought AC I thought AC DC had a new song I was getting all excited. We

Matt Cundill  12:32  
actually we won an award for that one. Jamie Watson was the voice. I was a writer and Evan was the producer. And we won an award for that one. I deliberately chose that one because it's very complicated. It's very heavily mixed. And we're not just talking about two parts of just oh, here's a song. And here's some music. It did that. And I said, Well, what happens if I put something very complicated in there? And that did remarkably well. All things considered. So if you get a piece of music, and you want to separate it out, or you just want to separate the voice from the music in some particular way, there's a great tool. I guess I should probably warn legally, you're probably shouldn't be doing that and reproducing it in some different way. You know, I'm not a lawyer. But yeah, you can tread carefully with that.

Jon Gay  13:19  
David's aren't Laurier. Yeah, I'm just thinking. There. Thanks, David. I think in terms of practicality, if you got a deuce podcast from a client, or one of us did, and in the end, they said, Hey, we need to make these edits. But the intro and outro already baked into the file. They didn't have the separate intro and outro files. To me, that's a perfect use case for a tool like this.

Johnny Podcasts  13:43  
Yeah, I was gonna say to, let's say, let's say that you are a podcast host or your Podcast Producer, you're working together. And the host says hey, I want to record a new intro. But all I have is the mixed intro with my voice and the music behind it. I don't have the original music file. My old producer is hoarding it I can't remember where I bought it from. It's no longer on the internet, which is a case that I've come across. You could use this tool to remove the baked in audit voice over audio and have your music file and now you can rerecord some new audio over that and keep your original intro music.

Matt Cundill  14:20  
I just realized what a bad idea this was. Because now you can do a Johnny just said and now you don't need to rehire the voice person again, necessarily. You can just edit out like part of it, and rejigger it. So I was thinking of a case where let's say a host leaves a show and you got when it's just you know, the show's going solo. You can separate it. Take the person's name out and away you go. Yeah,

Catherine O'Brien  14:45  
like that Stalin picture. They can just disappear from ever existing.

Jon Gay  14:50  
It's like the fan. Oh, snap, and then they're just gone.

David Yas  14:53  
Yeah. You go,

Catherine O'Brien  14:57  
I want to give just at least 1.0 I just a gold star Matt for using the phrase of foreboding glow. I think that was a real bonus to that entire

Matt Cundill  15:06  
Thank you Project, that

David Yas  15:07  
whole thing was a tour de force.

Matt Cundill  15:09  
I was just going to only give us one award, by the way. And so I don't have the award with me. Jamie is the Boy Scout. He got the award.

Jon Gay  15:16  
Duly noted Dave.

David Yas  15:19  
Cool. Kudos, Jamie. And Matt. The if you use descript, the function that we've talked about a lot on the show before it's called studio sound, which its primary function is to clean up audio, by the way found recently that you really have to watch that because in Jag, I know you've done it many times. But sometimes it can give the person slurred speech, and you don't want that. So, but one thing, but in cleaning up the audio, it will also remove music, I've noticed that so but but on like this service, it won't remove the music or you can use it elsewhere. It'll just take it off. And even then you got to check it, but I just thought I'd mention them.

Johnny Podcasts  16:03  
In the tool you can, once it's separated, I can then just download the music or just download the voice directly to my computer.

Jon Gay  16:11  
Yep. Okay. That's cool. Yeah, and today's point about descript. We've talked about this before, if you if you apply that feature too heavily that studio sound feature, you can sometimes lop off SSH, you can unintentionally give a guest or host a lisp. So you gotta be very careful with that. Related to the script studio sound while we're on the topic is Adobe enhance, which if you have an Adobe account, you have access to this tool. So Johnny did a little demo on Adobe enhance. And I believe Matt has that video here as well. John, you want to set it up or you want run the video first?

Johnny Podcasts  16:42  
No, I talked about it on the video. Hey, so this is an AI tool that I've been using for about a year now I want to say a year of using it for a long time. But it is the Adobe podcast beta speech enhanced tool. So unfortunately, with a lot of podcasts, when you have guests come on, they don't have a microphone like this one. They're recording either off their laptop microphone, which is actually on the MacBooks have surprisingly improved. But for today's test and this sort of example, I recorded some audio on air pods. So what you would do is you would just drag your audio file, as long as it's a WAV file. As you can see, I'm highlighting here, drag that over here, it enhances it and after a few minutes, you find it here. And it gives you an option to see how much you want the AI audio cleanup how much percent strength you want added onto that. So here I will show you what it sounded like originally. With nothing added on to it. Hey, thanks so much for joining my crappy audio recording. As you can tell I'm recording on air pods, it doesn't sound great. And for an added effect, I actually added a fan in the background. So that doesn't sound great. It's not totally unusable. But it is something that we would want to clean up because again, we have a professional podcast, we want it to sound really great. We could capture that in real time. But there are things like this tool that we can do on the back end. So what I would do here is I would just drag this up to let's just try 56% strength. Hey, thanks so much for joining my crappy audio recording. As you can tell I'm recording on air pods, it doesn't sound great. And for an added effect, I actually added a fan in the background now. So that sounds a lot better added some more depth to the voice it made it sound a little bit more like this was recorded into a microphone and not the air pods that they were originally recorded on. If you are not a professional producer, this can be usable audio or if you're an audio professional, someone who actually understands the tools when working on your podcast like noise reduction, Echo removal, EQ. Leveling, you can use this as a jumping off point to really make the audio sound so much better. And you can take what was a crappy original recording or it's really tinny. There's that fan in the background sounds gross to this where the fan is more muted. It sounds like the voice is brought a lot closer to the microphone the voices deeper. However, this tool can This is a double edged sword ID tool. Sorry this is I'm not getting any edits here. This can be a double edged sword. So if you actually apply too much of the strength, you will hear hear that it sounds a little garbled. There's a lot of audio hiccups It's sounds glitchy it sounds like it was really over processed and you'll hear that here. Hey, thanks so much for joining my crappy audio recording. As you can tell I'm recording on air pods. It doesn't sound great and for an added effect I actually added a fan in the back. Now normally what you would do is as the producer, so that sounds like that's too much added effect, it's too much cleanup and it starts to distort the audio words will skip around as you can hear it cut out a couple of the words. So our sweet spot is going to be around 50 to 55%. So let's just say we're at 54. You'll hear that one more time. Hey, thanks so much for joining my crappy audio recording. As you can tell them recording on air pods, it doesn't sound great. And then compare that to nothing added to it. Hey, thanks so much for joining my crappy audio recording, as you can tell. So again, this is a jumping off point to try and save some crappy audio. The goal is to give the listener the most comfortable experience possible. You could certainly have record pay, I certainly could have picked a worse piece of audio. But I wanted to pick something that was pretty general to what a lot of people will experience which is air pods fan in the background doesn't sound great. This is a tool that can take something that sounds like that and make it sound a lot more cleaned up. A lot more listenable or sonically pleasing, I can't even think of the right term for this. But yeah, this is a great tool, I would highly recommend it to people an alternative to this would be the descriptive studio sound tool, which works just as well, if not better, but again, you got to pay for descript. This here is a great free option that you can use. long winded I know how much how about how badly do you want to hear that recording again,

Catherine O'Brien  21:46  
that was sonically pleasing?

Johnny Podcasts  21:49  
Yes, so honestly, so you don't have to have an Adobe account to use the free version of it. So that's the premium access version. So here's some hacks around using the free version. So the free version limits you to a certain gigabyte size, I think it's like one gigabyte total that you can upload per day or something like that. So what you can add a max of like 30 minutes or something. So what I would do is, if your podcast is an hour long, just cut the first 30 minutes, put that in there, cut the second 30 minutes, put that in there as well. So you can hack around having to pay for it. I used studio sound today, I'm going to be honest, studio sound sounds a lot better. But again, this Do you get what you pay for. So this is something that can take, I don't know how much you would even need for a recording like that I provided to us on just under the speech enhanced tool. There's stuff that's a lot worse that everyone knows what I'm talking about. And it's really helpful there. And again, this is not the you use it once and then just drop that into the final thing. And that's the audio you're going to hear I would take it even four or five steps further afterwards in logic, again, Echo removal, noise cancellation EQ, and really clean it up. But we're building our base here. And that's what this tool is really good for.

David Yas  23:01  
It's really good if you're doing like a call on Zoom, and your guest on the podcast is perfectly audible, but just a little zooming, you know, the slight distortion, and maybe the levels that sounds a little low. You run it through that sort of either of the services Johnny mentioned and it's it's miracle working it's really a huge difference.

Jon Gay  23:26  
Johnny Do you have a certain number you tend to land on generally speaking in Adobe,

Johnny Podcasts  23:31  
it depends because you know how when we produce stuff, everybody's environments different everyone's setup is different. Whatever you're getting is going to be different. I never go above like 70% I realize once once it especially with this took his studio sound is totally different. So like with studio sound, you're probably sitting at about 75% strength or for the majority of the stuff that you're dropping in there. For here. Once you cross kind of that 70% threshold. It really starts to garble it like you heard it's cutting out words, it sounds really choppy and Clippy because it's trying so hard to fix it. So really like what I would recommend is if you don't have any experience doing this kind of stuff, go for studio sound, this is a great tool for, hey, I actually know some extra steps that I can take this is just to sort of, again, get that base together and create a better base audio to work off of. Well,

Catherine O'Brien  24:26  
and Johnny isn't I mean, a lot of people they have access to Adobe, and that's what they've been using. They've done other video things on on Adobe, they that they're familiar with that that suite, and so people might be there to begin with, as opposed to starting up fresh with the script.

Johnny Podcasts  24:41  
Yeah, yeah, very true. Very true.

Matt Cundill  24:43  
I've used this tool a couple of times. Generally, it's with a creator who has forgotten to turn their microphone on or their computer. You know, they wound up using their computer mic instead of their regular mic and they didn't know it. Instantly. It's a rescue And the other thing that's a little side hack is for those who do voice work and you're in a hotel, instead of having to build like a giant pillow fort and look like a weirdo to the housekeeping people. What is this kind of doing with all these pillows and blankets, you can just put a you don't, you can build something sort of small and easy and recorded into the pillows. And using this tool will clean up the audio. So it is usable. So I've been very surprised at the number of acceptances I've had from clients who think yeah, this sounds great. And you don't have to use a lot of enhancing. I've never gotten more than 50%. But you know, if you use like a good microphone in the hotel room, it will remove the echo. It's quite nice. So

Johnny Podcasts  25:42  
yeah, that's, that's another great option for it to Matt is if it's a microphone recording and you're in a terrible environment, it really does help that that example was just like we have no microphone. This is how we can kind of salvage it. But thank you, thank you for saying that because it

Matt Cundill  25:58  
gets rid of echo like nobody's business.

David Yas  26:03  
And if you forgot your microphone, I found you make a recording into an iPhone just using the the message recording app, whatever that thing is, and run it through one of these apps. It's it's makes a huge difference. And it's it's not a bad, you know, stopgap if you don't have a microphone on here.

Jon Gay  26:24  
I'll also give a quick shout out to a third option here which I've been playing with lately and that is isotope RX. This is a all the candidates are pretty pricey product. But if you are doing this full time or if you are working for a company on a podcast and you have a marketing budget, you can tap into the latest update to isotope RX advanced has an improved dialogue isolate tool, which I will show you here very briefly if if it will share but correctly here, share. This is isotope it has three settings that you can't see the pop up but it actually has voice reverb and noise. You can adjust the volume on the voice on the reverb, the echo in the room and the background noise fans like to Johnny's point or other background noise. So isotope RX it IC o t o p e is a great tool,

Matt Cundill  27:18  
which tool would you have used to remove echo?

Jon Gay  27:21  
It's all built into the dialogue isolate tool. Now there's there are separate sliders for reverb, background noise and voice run to boost the voice. Pull down the noise in the room or the echo. You can play with that as well.

Matt Cundill  27:34  
I think I have a standard version. I'm back at isotope eight. And I'm looking to do an upgrade. Are we going to 11 or 12 Right now I can't remember.

Jon Gay  27:42  
I've just upgraded to 11 and I love it.

Matt Cundill  27:45  
Okay, let's check. I think there's a sale on right now or the sale just ended. But if you find it expensive, they do drop sales on every once in a while on those tools. And they're they're pretty good. Yeah, I have that on my list of upgrades and that's isotope yep,

Jon Gay  28:03  
I Z o t o p e

Mary Anne Ivison (Voiceover)  28:11  
this podcast supports podcasting 2.0. If you liked this show, or getting value from it, hit the boost button. Now, if you don't have a boost button, you can get one now at new podcast apps.com.

Jon Gay  28:26  
We're gonna get to video in just a moment, we're going to do some stuff with text and shownotes first, and I'm going to in the spirit of Bill O'Reilly attempt to do this live. So as an example, I took our previous month's podcast Super Friends episode. So let me go over to headliner. So headliner is a tool that we've used to create those audio grams that have the little moving waveforms. To put an audio podcast as a video file on YouTube. They now have a something called Edie, Edd y that will help transcribe and edit your podcast. So if I open this, upload the file, I'm going to I already have previously uploaded that to the interest of time here today. Here is our last month's podcast Super Friends, podcast spring cleaning, what to keep and what to toss. If I open this, I actually hit delete on the pre roll ad that ran from the file that I downloaded. It transcribed the entire podcast, I had to correct the spelling on several of our names. But if I were to export this file, it will not export the things that are crossed out such as an AA and things like that. So here's our whole hour and four minute podcast from last month. And then you can see here we made you a promo pack. So if I click on the View promo pack again, this is the Edie Edie DIY tool inside headliner. Bike go through. And the first thing it's going to show me is show notes. So here is again, you can see how it butchered our spelling of our names up here but it got sorry Katherine and Matt. You can see notes and TimesTen amps for different topics we covered over the 64 minutes. Some highlights, some summer tips, it pulled all of our websites automatically. And this could theoretically work as your show notes with a little bit of tweaking. It uses AI to generate episode art. Guess what we're talking about podcasts, it pulls up four microphones, so that we can probably use a little bit of work. The key here is key. Four key words obviously, these are keywords that it pulled from our podcast last month. social media posts LinkedIn caption Instagram caption Facebook, X f k, formerly known as Twitter, tick tock, and again, because some of these AI tools really love emojis, it put emojis in here as well had the flower for the spring. If I keep going it pulled quotes is a great one from Johnny delete it off, you need to hold yourself to a really high standard for these shorts. So again, it pulled one quote from each of us for this one. References. The pre roll was for Best Buy and nerds Gumby clusters, that's why it pulled that references all of our websites, we talked about the script chat TPT Captivate Fiverr Upwork so it pulled those automatically. Here is a potential newsletter, subject and body. And finally, a blog posts a longer form blog post talking about all this apologies for change spelling Katherine's name with a k instead of a C, and butchering the talk back half of it as well. So what I did was I took the transcript, and I downloaded the Word doc of it. So it's not perfect, it's aI generated. But then I put it into chat GPT I have a GPT here, which I'm willing to share it with anybody who's listening or watching today and wants it let me know, I have a GPT called podcasts summary. So if I type, if I click on podcast summary, if I type ACC hit Activate podcast summary, it will tell me, please provide the podcast transcript you'd like summarized, I did that previously, so I'm gonna go to my previous chat here. And I'm going to paste this massive 64 minute transcript. And chat GP is going to write my show notes. I have it set to be a few 100 words. So it's pretty well detailed. And after it finishes the show notes, gives you keywords, relevant links. And I also have this setup that I can say, please give me a title or this podcast. Or I could say give me several titles, same idea. You know, and go from there. So that's a little bit way we can use chat GPG to do this. And then of course, what you'll do is copy paste this into your show notes. And then from there, you can edit tweak, I like to I might have mine set up to write in the first person plural. So you can see we dive into the concept of podcast sprinkling, that's just typically how I write. And then you can kind of go from there, you can see rewrite, I've actually used chat GPT for I'll put his transcript into it like and, and have it removed the timestamps if I wanted to put the transcript without timestamps in so that's a little bit of what chat GPG can do as far as show notes and things like that. And related to this, I will stop sharing my screen and ask any questions here before I turn it over to Kathryn about Chet GPT or headliner and Eddie

Johnny Podcasts  33:26  
you know, jaggedly kind human when he tells chat GPT please first before the I don't know why I do that. It's

Jon Gay  33:32  
not even a person. It's just not a habit. I do it.

Catherine O'Brien  33:34  
I did that I do that I always face thank you as well. And I'm like, Oh, what am I doing here? You can't hurt the manners. Manners. Yeah, exactly. Well, you know, Jack, I'm really glad you're showing us that this was headliner because I use headliner all the time and just seeing all the elements of the promo pack the way that it had been proposed. I kind of I always felt like they were offering me things after the fact. So by the time I'm using headliner, I've already written the show notes those are already done. So it was good to see like the keywords and the the promo images and the poll quotes and those kinds of things. That's gonna be really helpful. And I have to admit, I was a little bit overlooking headliner because I was the things that it was putting forward as what you could use AI headliner for. They were already sort of like in my rearview mirror by the time I was getting there.

Jon Gay  34:26  
It's kind of a good swiss army knife, one size fits all headliner, you can kind of do a bunch of things in the one app. Katherine we'll get to your video here in a second with the headlines studio by CO schedule and head lines studio not to be confused. That had minor how apologies for that. But this is a tool that you very specifically use for show titles.

Catherine O'Brien  34:49  
Right so let's just to give it a little bit of a backstory here. The titles of are something I've always felt very weak in yet I've always felt like they're kind of important because Did you know if you are one of the first lessons, especially that the podcast Superfriends tackled very early when we were working together as podcast producers is clickable art. And I had some shows that had some very unclickable art. And everybody was very clear, like, Hey, your, your RT needs to be clickable. Well, I really believing that titles of episodes need to be clickable. And this is an area where I just felt really weak. So I, of course, turned to the internet to try and get something to help me. So what you see right now is an example where I will give headline studio, they topic, just the most very general topic, you can see that they are looking to help optimize it for a variety of different platforms. And then it'll analyze. Now, thankfully, I got a terrible score just with my general topic here. And then then this is where the AI tool can come into, into play. So this is a bad headline score, a bad SEO score, nobody's looking for that. So they come up with some suggestions. Now there's several functions that you can pull together with their AI, do you want it more SEO? Do you want to know some of the keywords or whatever, or it can help you just rewrite the whole title. So I in this option, this example, I picked it just to give me a lot of suggestions of replacement titles, that would be better, giving them that original general topic, you can see there and some of them you're not gonna be able to read. But it's a variety, they understand that we want to be talking about the Instant Pot, they want to that it's a rediscovery, all of these are a little bit, just more, you can tell they're a little bit more internet friendly titles, I picked one of them. Now, interestingly, and this has happened before. Working off the red light green light yellow light model, this is only a yellow light. So it's it's gotten me out of the red zone into the just a little bit better. And then of course, because I knew I, I fiddled with this a little bit because I knew that our host use the term, Instant Pot glow up. That's what I added to this title, the title that the headline or AI came up with headline studio ad I came up with, and then reanalyzed it finally getting that beloved, good SEO store and good headline start. Now I have to say, one of the things that I really appreciate about this tool is it has helped me personally as a Podcast Producer think differently about SEO and what I'm doing for the podcast clients that I have, just using this tool for over a year, just probably over a year, I find myself getting to that green light score a lot quicker, which tells me I'm thinking about how I'm titling these episodes to begin with a little bit differently. i It's this tool has really helped me to think a little bit more about answering questions. What questions are these is this episode answering? And then using that knowledge to put it into the title? I think that that's a very helpful way of thinking about your podcast is I want to understand better what people are looking for. And then how our podcast delivers what they need. And anyway, this has been just extremely helpful in that. So that was just a little demo of a going from rediscovering your instant pot to a big old Instant Pot glow up.

Johnny Podcasts  38:28  
And Katherine, what is the pricing on this? How? What do you pay per month? What is a free version look like?

Catherine O'Brien  38:34  
I think that's a great go, Oh, great questions. I believe it's $100 for a year. And but you can use and you can see there that they operate on a credit system. I'll I'll draw everybody's attention back to the fact that not only does it work with specific podcast titles, but if you're doing other kinds of marketing, it will optimize for YouTube Tiktok email, if you're doing any email marketing, blog post titles, you can switch it up. And even for example, for this specific topic, I was able to go back and get a good title for a YouTube video versus the podcasts versus the blog posts that it goes along with. So I was able to just have it kind of tweaked that same title all the way around. But I believe I'm paying $100 a year I find it very helpful. Again, just because this was an area that I thought was really weak and I can look in while we're talking and I can see what their free options I think if I recall correctly, it's like you can do you know three total quarter or something like that for free before you have to go for the paid version. Yeah, forever.

Matt Cundill  39:39  
credits in the top corner and I got scared.

Catherine O'Brien  39:43  
Yeah, yeah. And like I said, I because this is an area I would like to I want it to grow in. That's why it's been worth it for me and I'm really appreciative of it.

Johnny Podcasts  39:53  
I think this tool is super valuable, Katherine because a lot of people here the term SEO and they kind of start to quake in their boots a little bit no one really like even people who are SEO experts quote unquote, even they have a really hard time of explaining like how you get good SEO. So this is a fantastic tool that just any you don't have to be a Podcast Producer to use this you can be the host or the person creating the content and use this tool every single time you create a piece of content. And it is such a shortcut to pushing yourself up to the top of a search results. And that took you what five minutes after probably playing with it for a little bit. I mean, the amount the difference that that makes over the long term is so massive and I feel like SEO is the one thing that always falls by the wayside. And we're always like, Oh, we haven't got it. You got to have good content. You got to have good audio quality, your videos got to be pristine. You gotta have a good thumbnail. If you're if you're not showing on the results page. No one's ever gonna find you. Hey, yeah,

Catherine O'Brien  40:55  
that's true. That's this is why I'm trying to bolster up these SEO skills.

Jon Gay  41:01  
I should mention that none of the tools we are showing in our about the show have paid us to endorse them in any way. That said, but they could for sponsors for the podcast. Superfriends. So what are you talking

Johnny Podcasts  41:13  
about we already have Best Buy and gummy clusters.

Jon Gay  41:18  
We are looking for some some unofficial ads that we can do live reads for and not get booted off a YouTube. How's that? Let's move over to video a little bit. Matt's got a couple clips here. The two big players in terms of video and video production really are Riverside and descript slash squad cast for anybody who doesn't notice grip purchased squad cast about a year ago and they're merging their their enterprises together. To script has just launched a whole new suite of tools that we'll get into in a moment. And Riverside has an announced coming next week. Matt, I believe you have part of the Riverside video to show us.

Speaker 1  41:52  
Maybe you had a slip up in the recording or you have some outdated information that needs to be changed like a statistic or URL. Well, you can correct it right in the Riverside editor. We are 33 five star reviews away from 200. Just select a word here in the transcript and click video don't correct the text and then click Generate then video double actually create new audio in your voice using AI and W lips to sync to that audio. We are 29 five star reviews away from 200. We are confident that video dub will give your creation process a massive boost and a new way to integrate AI in your workflow. If you want to be the first to access these features, go to riverside.fm and sign up for early access.

Matt Cundill  42:38  
Wow. Okay, game on.

Catherine O'Brien  42:43  
Really good. I was there's I

David Yas  42:46  
know that I know that just sorry. Just super quick. I know. I'd be curious to hear if this exists anyplace else. I know that the script has it. But it

Jon Gay  42:57  
not to make friendly. Yeah, it's not

David Yas  42:59  
it makes you like read a 10 minute long script and then generates your voice. I believe that's updated. Oh, it is okay. I would like to see what it looks like now but, but the fact that it works pretty seamlessly with video is Wow, pretty good.

Jon Gay  43:14  
I think they have a perfect example of this where I had a client podcast where the guest used to work for NASA and Tom Hanks came to visit and she referenced the movie Apollo 11 When she should have referenced the movie Apollo 13. And we had to get her back on though on on squad cast and redub that couple sentences, this would be a great fix for something like that. So Riverside has a product launch video coming out next week, I believe that they're going to show off some of their new features, because they are directly competing with squad cast slash descript. When so it's the new the new name and of the AI tool and descript has definitely caused some some consternation amongst the podcasts and community. So for those that are afraid of the AI taking over the world, and these AI overlords taking everything over the script got maybe a little too clever and calling it their tool Underlord because it's not going to take over. It's here to serve you as their explanation. But lots of love to our friends at squad cast and descript I feel like that may have come out of a committee meeting at some point to remarketing. It's funny. It is funny.

Matt Cundill  44:19  
It's funny, are people upset about this?

Jon Gay  44:22  
I think it was just a little bit of an eye roll and no offense to Arial. And the wonderful team there. They do fantastic work. I think some folks just have a little bit of fun with the name as we as we go on here. So

Catherine O'Brien  44:33  
I think we should yeah, let's file that with what,

Johnny Podcasts  44:35  

Catherine O'Brien  44:39  
I think we should file that under no controversy.

Unknown Speaker  44:42  
Yes. Yes.

Matt Cundill  44:44  
I'm writing that down.

Jon Gay  44:45  
Not not not a big deal. I think there are some folks that in some, some discussion groups

Catherine O'Brien  44:50  
just wanted some retweets. That's what they want. Yeah,

Jon Gay  44:53  
I made the mistake of reading the comments strike all that a cut that from the final podcast, Matt Okay. So Do you also have a clip from descript about their under load from their Underlord launch video, the translation piece, which I'll have you play here, then I'll go into descriptive chosen more features live.

Speaker 2  45:10  
Next is another new Underlord power translation. So after you've created your podcast, or clips or content or whatever, you can translate them into 25 different languages. We also have audio translation coming in the next few weeks. So not only will you be able to translate your captions, you can translate the speech itself using one of our AI speech stock voices or your own clone of your voice. That's right, you talking in another language? If you want a quick example, a CS como Swennen cuando blenny? spaniel? EMET. No Chappelle Mufasa.

Jon Gay  45:45  
That's pretty cool. In probably wait, it's way cheaper than Rosetta Stone.

Catherine O'Brien  45:48  
Matt has some comments about the accents. But other than that,

Matt Cundill  45:53  
I mean, this technology has been available, I think it was Magellan AI that actually had this. And was was charging for it. But now it's, it's both. And I chose both of these videos from these competitors. Because there's ways to simplify your voice into another language, or to redub it in video, or as David pointed out, they've already been able to do this in audio form. So I thought this is just really the next step and the stuff that they've already introduced.

Jon Gay  46:23  
So we're going to show you the script here. So I'm going to share my screen once again into D script.

David Yas  46:33  
While he's doing that, Matt, can I ask you a quick question? Do you know is when Riverside Riverside does that? It seems like any video you have, it can recreate the person's voice where the first time around on the script at least in this it, it kind of had so called precautions to make sure it's only you that's providing your voice. Because it doesn't. The the imaginary horrible here is that we're all going to steal other people's voices and make them say horrible things. Right. So I don't I don't know. I wonder

Matt Cundill  47:04  
Yeah, I think there was a prevention piece and descript that wouldn't that you either would have to click through or sign in that you can only do it for your own voice. I believe that's right. Jag. Right. That sounds correct. Yeah. And so I I don't use Riverside, I don't know. But I'm going to just assume that they've got enough of the corrective stuff to to be able to pull some of that off. So I do find, I mean, there's a whole other thing that we haven't talked about, we don't have another hour to do this, but when it comes to copyright, so if you're using, you know, a chat GPT and let's say we did the show notes thing that you did jag earlier using Edie and then moving it over to chat, GBT. I mean, at what point do you lose your copyright? On your work? When does it stop being your work?

Jon Gay  47:50  
Yeah, there's that we leave. Yeah, there's so there's so much to get into there. And it's again, as is the case isn't the history of podcasting. The law has not kept up with the technology. So some of this is definitely to be determined. All right. All right. I've got the script up.

David Yas  48:05  
Well, yeah. I mean, if you put if you publishing it on your own, Matt, my guess would be this is armchair lawyer, even though I have an actual law degree. I don't only

Jon Gay  48:12  
one of us that does.

David Yas  48:15  
Yeah, but I'm a nonprofit, that's a non well get a better lawyer. I'm a non practicing lawyer. But I think if you're publishing it as your own putting your name on it, and it has been created by artificial intelligence, I'm going to go ahead and guess that you do have the copyright to that. Okay. And it seems already pretty well assumed that anything that comes out of any AI generating machine, it's it's free, it's not doesn't block anyone other than you if you want to take it.

Johnny Podcasts  48:48  
General rule of thumb, anything you read on the internet, just assume that it's probably bool along with everything we've talked about today, and we're lying to you constantly,

Jon Gay  48:55  
for a full hour once a month.

David Yas  48:58  
This isn't even us this isn't we're all roebucks expose

Jon Gay  49:02  
are all generated by descriptive Riverside. So what I have up on the screen here, this is a podcast I recorded this week for a local Chamber of Commerce where we interviewed a look at a local Mary Kay consultant. And it was myself my co host, Lisa and Deborah was our guest. What I did to save time ahead of time is in this composition here, this you I imported all three videos from the scripted once they laid them on top of each other. I went to sit here, there is a option on the right where there's some automatic multicam is what I used. And that changed it and it made a new scene every time the speaker changed. So in this 15 minute podcast, it had 82 Speaker changes. So if I wanted to have just a straight video where the speaker just changed every the shot rather just change to whoever Speaking, automatically switched to active speaker which is pretty good. studio sound we've discussed. Remove filler words. For anybody who hasn't seen this I can say you can choose which filler words you want to remove. So there were 100 Every day 128 repeated words 10 times, well, like, right. So, and, ah, I generally use it for just Aminata because they're typically standalones. Dave, you use it a little bit more in terms of know,

David Yas  50:29  
pretty similar, right? Um, and, you know, for some reason I've selected those, those three, the more aggressive you get, the more vigilant you need to be about checking to make sure it didn't take out anything you don't want it to definitely don't do repeated words, especially if you're doing a podcast on the band, Duran Duran, it'll come out sounding really silly.

Jon Gay  50:50  
Fair enough. Also, you can see in here, when you choose which ones you want to use, you have options, you can delete it from the audio and replace it with a pause, which sometimes works in place of um, or you can ignore them. Or if you want to keep the audio intact, you can simply remove them from the transcript. So when you so when you export the transcript, all that's not in there. So just to show how much it can affect. So if you look at the length, the raw file length on this file is 2137. If I delete all filler words, this will take a moment. It's now 2033. So it cut a minute out of this out of just 20 minutes of audio just by getting rid of filler words. And I'm going to undo that jagged use

David Yas  51:30  
you started with three separate synced video tracks. Is that what we're talking about?

Jon Gay  51:35  
Yes. So if you record in squad cast and squad cast will talk to Riverside, there's an option in squad cast as opposed to downloading the wav files, or the mp3 or the mp4 files, you can automatically create a session in descript, it will open up in the web browser. And you can do use the web browser which they like in their new version. They said they liked the web browser better. But you can also use the application as well. So or if you are not using squad cast, you can simply if the videos are all the same length, you can upload them together and it'll ask if you want to create a sequence.

David Yas  52:08  
Can you click on show show timeline, please?

Jon Gay  52:11  
Yes, absolutely.

David Yas  52:14  
So but I'm only looking at one track there. So his squad cast already can consolidated into one one video track or over here I've

Jon Gay  52:25  
got sequence, this is the sequence. And then if I wanted to just open one file, that's just me, I could go through there as well. You can get in you can I believe get in in and get actually edit the sequence. But rather than get into the weeds with that, let me just show you a couple other No, you're finding a couple of topics. So the edit for clarity button. Down here, I did edit for clarity, you can also get rid of false starts and what it deems to be not great content. Remove retakes is kind of cool if somebody starts a sentence and then they start a sentence. And then what I meant to say is they start a sentence, you can cut that automatically shortened word gaps for long pauses, you can create chapters, eye contact and Senator active speaker I have not played with yet they're still in beta. So I've had mixed results with those green screens pretty self explanatory, generate an image you can create. You know, this is just AI image generator that does a lot of other things use what I found interesting here, I before we got on the call, I tried create highlight reel. And the highlight reel that it created was eight minutes long and took several minutes to generate. So that's something that I think I need to spend a little more time figure out how to use better the Create clips. You can choose the number of clips, this is a little bit more or dialed in, you can choose the number of clips, and you can choose your clip duration. And then it adds it as another composition in your project. So if I go up here to toggle, I can go to a clip that's a clip I made already. So let me go to what to do. I'm gonna go create clips and I'm just gonna say, for the sake of brevity here, one clip 30 seconds. And I can choose topics if I want. I'm gonna hit MIT. And it says little funny things up here like Underlord is thinking peeling back your content on the and crying like when my family left me, which is a little dark, but that's what it went with. Yeah.

David Yas  54:23  
I don't know if we need the jokes to script but whatever. You know, we're basically to the point where there's going to be a tab that says take out all the boring stuff of this bush states. Yeah,

Jon Gay  54:33  
I mean, this is where I was, this is where the technology's going. So I only asked for one. So here we go. So 32 seconds, it gives me a description of you know, the guests talking about how great the Chamber of Commerce is. And if I hit play, and the audio is not coming through, but you can Jagath

Johnny Podcasts  54:52  
Yeah, if we wanted to get rid of the captions on there. Do you just like select it on the screen and then hit delete?

David Yas  54:59  
Yes. Yeah, use literally selected, hit delete. Yeah,

Jon Gay  55:01  
yep. And then back to our Underlord. Find highlights, I hit submit, that will pick out highlights and highlight it in the script, save the time there. And then translate captions. That's the video that you just saw. And then it's also got a lot of these AI tools for post production, summarize the show, show notes, specific YouTube description, blog description. And then the right features down here. If this is before you would publish a podcast, if you wanted to do a podcast about a particular topic, but needed a little help coming up with an idea. All these tools are great as well. So and then is those are all the Underlord things. Project will show you all your things seen, you can change transitions between scenes, you can record directly into the script, you can add elements like shapes and timers and things like that. Captions, you can choose from several, several templates of captions, and media, you can add in or generate media, stock, music, things like that. So the script is a very robust tool. And, and you really, there's a ton of stuff, and this is just the refresh within the last couple of weeks, they really have done a great job with it. Not everything is perfect, the AI is always still being tweaked. But that said, if you don't have access to a professional editor, if you want to just kind of play around and see what the AI can do, I would say this is a great tool, but also anything that you generate. Anything done by AI always needs to have a human check it because because Gremlins getting on things certainly do happen.

Matt Cundill  56:39  
Have you left your house in the last week?

Jon Gay  56:43  
Yes to walk my dog. I don't remember driving anywhere, actually. Any wrapping thoughts, Catherine. Oh,

Catherine O'Brien  56:51  
I just wanted to give a shout out. Yes, that's it's very cool. I also wanted to give a shout out to one of the scripts tools, the regenerate audio function, even if you're just doing a audio podcast, and there's one word that just gets a little muffled or garbled or somebody says it a little bit wrong. You can regenerate it and the AI will fill it in for a just a single word or just a small phrase without that check of having them read that 10 minute protective script going in which I use frequently when it works. It works awesome. If it doesn't work. There's nothing to be done about it. But that's great information. We didn't I didn't know that. Yeah, that was gonna be my backup little share, but the regenerate function is excellent. And back to the studio sound which we're all big fans of. The other thing that I am so grateful for for descript is that they the studio sound used to wipe out laughter which is a real bummer when you're having a enjoyable, pleasant conversation. And that has come just a tremendous amount of that's come very, very far. It's much much much better. I'm thrilled with what descript is doing.

Matt Cundill  58:00  

Jon Gay  58:02  
Adobe will still wipe out the laughter I would say Johnny haven't tried. Yeah, Matt.

Catherine O'Brien  58:08  
I do serious podcasts.

Matt Cundill  58:11  
Regenerate was was one of the features in

Johnny Podcasts  58:13  
our last episode I've produced in yours.

Catherine O'Brien  58:18  
Sorry about yes about regenerate.

Matt Cundill  58:20  
It was featured in James Caitlin's talk about handy tools.

Catherine O'Brien  58:24  
It's exceptionally handy.

Jon Gay  58:27  
Apollo 11 versus Apollo 13. Yeah, I probably could have used it for something like that. John, you say something.

Johnny Podcasts  58:38  
I have a question. That's like for jag about descript. But it's, you know, it's a live stream wait till the time for the live stream.

David Yas  58:46  
I got a quick question that might apply to kind of everyone. Do you have any challenges with the size of files? I imagine if you use squad cast, it optimizes the size of the file. But you know, Johnny told me I had to buy this fancy camera which generates these huge video files and they look great, but they're kind of unwieldy. How

Jon Gay  59:09  
are they? 1080 video files Dave?

Johnny Podcasts  59:14  
I don't have the answer. Yes,

Jon Gay  59:15  
John. Mr. podcasts in the back. Okay.

Johnny Podcasts  59:18  
What do you do when your file sizes are too big. So for example, when we post our full episodes of of video podcast on Twitter, Twitter has a maximum limit of two gigabytes. But the episode that I just exported that a Final Cut is 28 gigabytes. What do we do? While we're putting the episode on YouTube? Anyways, YouTube does some kind of Wizardry black magic to where once it's uploaded and processed to an HD file, you can go to your YouTube studio redownload the file I downloaded this morning, a 28 gigabyte video was compressed down to 700 megabytes less than one gigabyte and same, same HD quality

Jon Gay  59:59  
was So 80 or 720, Johnny, no. Interesting.

Johnny Podcasts  1:00:04  
So hack for all of you guys out there, you don't have to post this stuff on YouTube, you can just upload it to YouTube as a draft if the file is too big, wait for it to process redownload it in his ways wait interesting.

Jon Gay  1:00:15  
Also worth mentioning that Adobe enhance and descript studio sound will work on video files as well as audio files. So if you have a video file, you can upload it and it'll enhance your audio. And then you can download the video file videos, the same audio is enhanced worth mentioning that as well. For large files, Dave, I bought a I bought an external hard drive that I keep my handy dandy little case right here. So yeah,

David Yas  1:00:38  
no, I have that as well. It's just sometimes with the script, I find it actually can take a while to upload a file if it's like huge but but anyway, Katherine, good tips aren't just

Catherine O'Brien  1:00:53  
Yeah, I do the hard drive as well. And then also with the scripts because and David, you helped me I didn't realize this was happening. If you're not there, I'm not going to get the language, right. But basically, if you're not removing the download from the descript on your computer, then and not holding it in the cloud, then it's on your lap, not on the hard drive, not it's on your actual device. So now systematically as I publish the episodes, I just have to be diligent about removing the download from the script, it doesn't remove the episode. If I needed to download it to from the cloud to my device, I could, but I just take it off. That's a way to keep it from hogging up all the space on your

Jon Gay  1:01:37  
in your I'm looking at now you can you can remove download, and then it'll put it in the cloud. Take it off your computer. I'm actually going through it right now. Yep, you right, you can project

Johnny Podcasts  1:01:47  
Yeah, I wish that there was a way that you can like bulk select Batch it. Yeah.

Catherine O'Brien  1:01:52  
But now I just I'm trying to add that more like I said more diligently just to my workflow. It's like done done and removed download.

Jon Gay  1:01:59  
I'm actually sorting by size as I'm looking at mine right now. Because I've got a couple projects that are you know, six gigs. Yeah, yeah, I

Johnny Podcasts  1:02:07  
just cleared like 30 gigabytes in about 30 seconds.

Jon Gay  1:02:10  
Yeah. All right. I think that's gonna wrap us up for today. We're a little bit over time. By the way, if you have a topic you'd like us to address in the podcast Superfriends whatever platform you're viewing listening right now, feel free to leave a comment or reach out to any of us at our contact info. We'd love to talk about what it is you want to know more about the world of podcasting. Thanks

Sarah Burke (Voiceover)  1:02:29  
for listening to the podcast super friends for a transcript of the show or to connect with the Superfriends go to the show notes of this episode, or go to sound off dot network. produced and distributed by the sound off media company.