Season 15

April 5, 2023

152: How Music Inspires Storytelling

Today on our show, we bring you a story by Danielle Huggins. Danielle has been featured twice before on WCR. In Episode 105: Teach Us Something We Don’t Know where she shared her experience with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). Danielle was also featured in Episode 139: This Is What Mania Looks Lik…
March 22, 2023

151: Follow the Story Spine to Get Published

This episode showcases the effectiveness of using the story spine structure. The story spine is a story structure as old as time. It’s the model every fairytale follows. It works really well for all stories because it’s intuitive. It’s in our collective unconscious.  You will hear three prompt res…
March 8, 2023

150: In Transition: How to Write a Story About an Ongoing Situation

Today on our show, we’re talking about how to write about a situation that is ongoing. Typically, at the end of an essay, the narrator writes about what they learned or how they changed. But what if transition IS the change? What happens if there is no happy (or sad) ending…yet? On this episode, …
Feb. 22, 2023

149: How to Make Your Writing More Personal (in any Field)

On this episode, we bring you a story written by Dr. Jane Marks, a conservation ecologist and professor of Aquatic Ecology at Northern Arizona University (NAU).  Jane came to Writing Class Radio with the goal of making her academic writing more personal. What she didn’t realize is that writing cla…
Feb. 8, 2023

148: How to Plan a Threesome

Today on our show, we bring you a story by Pamela Druckerman that has voice, laugh outloud humor, and self knowing, which makes for a reliable narrator. The best part is the narrator doesn’t wait until the end to give a status report. We feel like we are on the adventure with her.
Jan. 25, 2023

147: How to Write a Story about Abuse Without Using the Word

Today on our show, we bring you a story by Sally Quon called Finding Home.
Jan. 11, 2023

146: How to Write a Winning Pitch

Today, we bring you a story by Terry Barr with a secret he’s kept most of his life. This story highlights the importance of telling the truth and letting go of shame, in this case, about sexual assault. You’ll also hear Terry’s pitch when he submitted his essay to the podcast. AND, we discuss struc…