Season 16

July 26, 2023

159: Rash Decisions

Today on our show, we bring you a story by student Kim Costigan. Kim wrote this story while on our December 2022 writing retreat in Key Largo. This story crushed us and made us love Kim even more. What I want you to listen for is the anecdote at the end. This is one of our favorite ways to end a st…
July 12, 2023

158: My Dead Mother Brings My Sister and Me Together Once a Year

Today on our show, we bring you a story by Maxine Poupko. Maxine’s story is a great example of character development, showing the tiny details in a complex relationship, and bringing the reader into a different world. Maxine wrote this story for the Writing Class Radio retreat in February 2023. The…
June 28, 2023

157: I’m the Black Crayon Nobody Wants

Today on our show, we bring you a story by Corey Devon Arthur. Corey has served 25 years on a life sentence for robbery and murder and is currently housed at Otisville Correctional Institution in New York. Corey is an artist and writer who has been published on Writing Class Radio and The Marshall …
June 14, 2023

156: Outsourcing My Orgasm

Today on our show, we bring you a story by Jenny Powers. Jenny is a New York-based freelance reporter. She writes for HuffPost, The Cut, Business Insider, Fortune, and more. She is working on a memoir called, "Smooth Operator: Confessions of an Accidental Phone Sex Vixen." You can see more of her w…
May 31, 2023

155: Every Word Matters

Today on our show, we bring you a story by Laurie Eynon. This story is a behind-the-scenes Jeopardy! audition revealed and a good lesson in how every word matters. And the voice of the narrator is amazing. So good!!! Laurie takes us through her one chance at becoming a Jeopardy! champion and what h…
May 17, 2023

154: Are Thin People Allowed To Write About Weight?

Today on our show, we bring you a story by Sari Botton. Sari’s story is a great example of how to tell a story that encompasses your whole life. It is also a great example of how to end a story while you are still living with a situation.
May 3, 2023

153: Want To Get Published in HuffPost? Editor Noah Michelson Tells You How

Today’s episode features a story by one of our favorite students, Margery Berger . She has been taking classes with us since way before the pandemic. Margery has told stories on our podcast twice before. Episode 46: An Object...