
Feb. 15, 2023

Black Resistance: Remember, Recognize and Educate

February is when the proud Black History Manitoba organization invites the whole community to come together to Remember, Recognize and Educate. To quote the BHM President Nadia Thompson, “February is the month in which we bear witness to the progress, richness, and diversity of the achievements and…
Jan. 26, 2023

"If people can learn to hate …they can be taught to love.” (Nelson Mandela)

Learning. Teaching. Education is a human right. When exploring education as a human right in this episode of Humans on Rights, Mitchell DeFehr, education coordinator for MARL, discusses the importance of human rights learning when we reference the “other”. He shares his views about how systems d…
Jan. 5, 2023

Yvonne Peters: Sight impaired, Braille Advocate , Human Rights Lawyer

"I wanted to be more than just a screamer!" - Yvonne Peters. To acknowledge World Braille Day, Humans On Rights spoke with Yvonne Peters. Yvonne practiced as a human rights lawyer in Winnipeg for over 30 years. During this time she served as legal counsel and advisor on a number of equality tes…
Dec. 8, 2022

Alex Lytwyn: Accessibility Matters, Can I Come In?

Alex Lytwyn is an astonishing person. Alex has Cerebral Palsy and is in a power chair. Listening to Alex is not easy. First it is not easy because Cerebral Palsy, the most common lifelong physical disability, has affected Alex’s speech. He works work really hard to get his words out. You have to li…
Nov. 24, 2022

Through the Eyes of a Child Refugee: We Are Where We Come From

World Children’s Day is celebrated on the 20th November to commemorate the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. To acknowledge World Children’s Day, Dorota Blumczynska shares her personal story as witnessed through the eyes of a refugee child. Since secretly fleeing Poland as a child, Dorota’s l…
Nov. 10, 2022

Clifford Weekes: Anti-Racism Team Lead, Seven Oakes School Division

“I would rather be a little nobody than an evil somebody” – Abraham Lincoln School violence and bullying including cyberbullying is widespread and affects a significant number of children and adolescents. On this episode of Humans, on Rights Clifford Weekes, anti-racism team lead for the Seven O…
Oct. 27, 2022

A “How To” guide on passing a better city onto the next generations

Brent Bellamy is a Winnipeg architect and public advocate who shares his vision on how to create a sustainable city based on building and human focussed design. He writes passionately about this subject, challenging the conventional perception of architectural and urban form. His thoughtful and pro…
Oct. 13, 2022

Al Wiebe: I Was a Hidden Homeless Person

Al Wiebe went from earning $120k a year and driving a new Mercedes to living for 26 months in a 40-year-old wrecked Mercedes in the back lane behind an auto wrecker. After losing his $120k a year job, Al Wiebe was rocked by the trauma of job loss and suffered from unchecked clinical depression. Al …
Sept. 22, 2022

Glenn Michalchuk: The absence of war is NOT the definition of Peace!

The Chair of the Peace Alliance Winnipeg, Glenn Michalchuk is convinced that the War in Ukraine could have been averted but was not. In this episode Glenn explains his strong belief that this war in not based on anything of substance but more on political fanaticism. And that Canada has played a ro…
Sept. 8, 2022

Stacey Bradley: Literacy is a Right not a Privilege

Lifelong learning champion Stacey Bradley was asked to “just come to one meeting”. She did and that is how she became the President of the Manitoba Reading Association. September 8th is International Literacy Day and on this ...
Aug. 25, 2022

Laurelle Harris: Canada and Enslaved Persons. A very troubled legacy.

If I asked you what country comes to mind when you hear the words, Jim Crow. The Ku Klux Klan. Enslaved persons, I bet you a US dollar that you would say ’the United States of America.” While you are not completely wrong, you may be surprised to learn how my guest Laurelle Harris educates the liste…
July 21, 2022

Kyla Bernardo: A Conversation about Mental Health through a BIPOC lens

Racism is a mental health issue because racism causes trauma. Every day, the BIPOC Community are exposed to far more trauma than those whose lives have not been devalued. On this episode of Humans, on Rights, Kyla Bernardo, M.Ed, CCC, CGE, CGP addresses the challenges that the BIPOC Community has g…
June 30, 2022

Michael Redhead Champagne - The Human Love Letter.

Ininew Public Speaker. Author. Host. Community Organizer. Advocate for Children, Youth & Families. Michael Redhead Champagne inspires every time he speaks to an audience or brings his pen to the page. His storytelling connect...
June 23, 2022

Whoever. Wherever. Whenever. Everyone has the right to seek safety.

The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) states that we are approaching over 100 million displaced peoples world-wide. In this episode of Humans on Rights, the Executive Director of IRCOM (Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization of Manitoba) Shereen Denetto shares her passion of about working with and su…
June 9, 2022

Food: Security and Insecurity with Dr. Natalie Riediger

From working in a four generations family owned and operated grocery store in the inner city of Winnipeg to receiving 2020 Terry G. Falconer memorial Rh Institute Foundation Emerging Research Award, Dr. Natalie Riediger has been either working in or researching about food security. Natalie walks us…
May 19, 2022

Nicole Chabot, B.A., G.S.C.: Workplace Safety and Health

What do Heavy Construction and being a mother have in common? What about stone crushing and breaking a glass ceiling…what do they have in common? To answer those questions and more, I spoke with Nicole Chabot, the Vice President of L. Chabot Enterprises Ltd. In her own words, Nicole said “I am a wo…
May 5, 2022

Shannon Sampert, BA, MA, PhD

Shannon Sampert is a political analyst and media specialist who serves as a bridge between th academy and the community. As a former journalist, she explores the intersections of media, politics, and gender. Sampert is a sought-after media commentator during Canadian elections and for her expertise…
April 14, 2022

Karyn Lazareck: Never Doubt A Mother

Those were the words Karyn Lazareck said to the medical profession when they had doubts about her intuition of her son Jordan’s autism. On this episode of Humans, on Rights, Karyn talks about how she and her husband Mel raised three amazing boys who are now all men. And how one of the boys, Jordan …
March 24, 2022

Jamie Goulet: Clan Mothers Healing Village

This week, we welcome Clan Mother Jamie Goulet to the Humans on Rights podcast. Jamie is a co-founder of Clan Mothers Healing Village, a beautiful lodge whose mission is to help women and girls with an array of different issu...
March 10, 2022

Dr. Myrle Ballard: How Policy Impacts Our Traditional Lands

Water…we use water form everything from cooking to bathing. There is hardly anything we can do without water. We live in a culture where take perhaps certain things like water for granted. Water…it’s a good thing right? But what happens from a mental and physical perspective when a human made fl…
Feb. 24, 2022

Valerie Williams: Black History, Diversity and Inclusion

It has been said that a continued engagement with history is vital because it helps give context for the present. Black History Manitoba (@bhmwinnipeg #BlackHistoryManitoba) and Black History Month (#BlackHistoryMonth) is an opportunity to celebrate Black History going beyond stories of racism and …
Feb. 12, 2022

Ogo Okwumabua: Entrepreneur, Designer and Founder of Zueike Apparel.

In the Nigerian language of Igbo, Zueike \zu-we-kay\ means to relax. Ogo Okwumabua is a sports entrepreneur who, with his partner Bryan, have created a brand with a focus of being local, being in the community. In this episode Ogo shares his thoughts on being a black sports and business entrepreneu…
Jan. 27, 2022

Dr. Jeremy Maron

Jeremy Maron was in Grade 8 when he went to a screening of the film Schindler’s List. It was a very emotional experience that was made that much more powerful when Holocaust survivor Philip Weiss shared his personal story as a Holocaust survivor.