
Feb. 23, 2015

Boiling Point - Episode 042 - Don Fillmore

Introducing Don Fillmore Don Fillmore is in an industry where the only thing they don't deliver is babies. Don is in the trucking industry and is the president of Atlantic Pacific Transport and of the Atlantic Provinces Trucking Association. It has...
Feb. 16, 2015

Boiling Point - Episode 041 - Greg Hemmings

The Millennial Dream
Feb. 2, 2015

Boiling Point - Episode 040 - Ja-Nae Duane

Introducing Ja-Nae Duane Ja-Nae Duane is the definition of the Renaissance woman.  She is an author, a public speaker, a nondenominational Christian minister, a university lecturer, a serial entrepreneur, and even an opera signer.  Her...
Jan. 26, 2015

Boiling Point - Episode 039 - Janna Hare

Introducing Janna Hare There comes a time for every entrepreneur when they would relish the opportunity to pick the brain of those who have come before.  Mentors give us the power of knowledge from experience that we do not personally have. ...
Jan. 19, 2015

Boiling Point - Episode 038 - Mel Norton

Introducing Mel Norton  Sometimes the best way to tackle an issue is to stop perceiving it as a problem but as an opportunity to make things better.  This is the approach that Mayor Mel Norton has decided to take while attempting to steer ,...
Jan. 12, 2015

Boiling Point - Episode 037 - Glenn Cox

Introducing Glenn Cox  So often, innovation is inspired through the day-to-day lives of people.  However, these innovative people are stopped from pursuing an idea because of fear of the unknown.  Our guest this week, Glenn Cox,...
Jan. 5, 2015

Chris Hadfield Explains Devoting Yourself to a Successful Life

Commander Hadfield expresses the lessons he has learned from floating around our little blue dot that we call home.  Greg is struck by the idea that the higher you get into space the more you can understand humanity.  Dave notes that in the...
Dec. 29, 2014

Boiling Point - Episode 035 - Andrew Tidby

Introducing Andrew Tidby  Andrew Tidby is a filmmaker, explorer, space worshiper, and our host Greg’s BFF.  Through the course of events, Andrew has many amazing experiences and stories to tell.  For example, he and Greg produced...
Dec. 22, 2014

Boiling Point - Episode 034 - DJ Waldow

Introducing DJ WaldowIt is coming upon that time of year again where many assess changes that need to be made in their lives.  A course of action is taken where we vow to make these changes and we call them New Year’s resolutions. ...
Dec. 15, 2014

Boiling Point - Episode 033 - Lauchlan Ough

Introducing Lauchlan Ough Sometimes the most effective form of leadership involves empowering the people who work for you to be leaders themselves.  A lot can be said enabling leaders, as well as getting them to jump right into unfamiliar...
Dec. 8, 2014

Boiling Point - Episode 032 - Jeff Roach

Introducing Jeff Roach These days most businesses try to get with the times and engage people through social media with mixed results.  Many take the route of duplicating the ads they use in traditional marketing and posting them to social...
Dec. 1, 2014

Boiling Point - Episode 031 - Peter Stoddard

Introducing Peter Stoddart It is the dream of many to open their own restaurant, café, or pub.  However, the food and beverage industry is not an easy business to succeed within.  Most restaurants fail within a few years of opening,...
Nov. 24, 2014

Boiling Point - Episode 030 - David Meerman Scott

Introducing David Meerman Scott Sometimes you can learn aspects of business from obscure and seemingly unrelated places and people.  Like learning lessons of .  David Meerman Scott did just that.  David is an international best-selling...
Nov. 17, 2014

Boiling Point - Episode 029 - Jason MacLean

Introducing Jason MacLean Jason MacLean is the type of entrepreneur that just goes for it.  This includes opening a health and lifestyle business in an industrial town not known for patronizing such businesses.  However, Jay’s huge...
Nov. 10, 2014

Boiling Point - Episode 028 - Calvin Milbury

Introducing Calvin Milbury Great innovations and inventions sometimes come from the smallest places.  Take the Boiling Point’s home province of New Brunswick.  This small province has been the home to things such as the snow blower,...
Nov. 3, 2014

Boiling Point - Episode 027 - Lee Odden

Introducing Lee Odden Lee Odden has been called a pioneer and legend of SEO.  He has blogged over 1.2 million words on his , and is the CEO of .  Lee is also amongst an exclusive club of . Our host, Greg Hemmings, met Lee at last...
Oct. 27, 2014

Boiling Point - Episode 026 - Nancy Mathis

Introducing Nancy Mathis  Nancy Mathis is a lady who knows how to lay down the framework that allows entrepreneurs to become better and achieve more.  She is the founding executive director of the ; a group that was formed in 2007 to see...
Oct. 20, 2014

Boiling Point - Episode 025 - Gene Fowler

Introducing Gene Fowler Gene Fowler is a man who knows the ups and downs of running a creative business in an untraditional location.  He is the owner and creative director at the animation studio L, which is a boutique animation agency focusing...
Oct. 16, 2014

Boiling Point - Episode 024 - Ibarionex Perello

Introducing Ibarionex Perello  Ibarionex Perello is a man who lives the creative life and knows how to parlay his lifestyle into a career.  He is a photographer, writer, educator, and podcast host.  In his previous life, Ibarionex was...
Oct. 6, 2014

Boiling Point - Episode 023 - Dr. Bill Howatt

Introducing Dr. Bill Howatt Dr. Bill Howatt has a goal to improve the lives of people and to improve the productivity of their employers.  Dr. Bill works with our host, Dave Veale, as a coach at , along with being an author of over , a columnist...
Sept. 29, 2014

Boiling Point - Episode 022 - Cathy Sweet

Introducing Cathy Sweet Cathy Sweet has had the entrepreneurial spirit since she was a child.  She would collect and trade frogs with the kid up the street.  She came from a family business people in commercial real estate.  Cathy...
Sept. 22, 2014

Boiling Point - Episode 021 - Jake Palmer

Introducing Jake Palmer Jake Palmer always had a creative and humorous side to him.  As a young man, he even had is own sketch variety show on community television.  When Jake grew up he went toward a career path in IT and worked in the...
Sept. 15, 2014

Boiling Point - Episode 020 - Hal Somers

Introducing Hal Somers Hal Somers is the type of guy that takes opportunities in life when they are presented to him.  Hal went to trade school to learn brick laying as a young man and for a short time worked in mining.  However, one day a...
Sept. 9, 2014

Boiling Point - Episode 019 - Levi Lawrence

Introducing Levi Lawrence Levi Lawrence is a trained chef that has cooked in kitchens throughout the world.  As a chef, he knows the importance of fresh, local ingredients.  However, for the longest time if you wanted fresh, local...