Season 3

March 20, 2020

Commercial Insurance and Covid-19: What you need to know

The insurance industry is focussing on Covid-19 just like all other industries and nowhere is there more pressure for answers than with commercial insurance professionals. Cole Leitch and Chantelle Markus from Avant Insuranc...
March 17, 2020

Dealing with COVID-19- Remote Services and Processes

A quick discussion from 3 brokers, and IBAO on some advice and thoughts for dealing with your insurance business and COVID-19. This is not a regular episode but something to be shared so that you can find some help, guidance...
March 13, 2020

Recruitment & Retention with Page Forron & Bettina Urban

The insurance industry is not the easiest one to sell as a career but it can be one of the most rewarding. Recruitment and retention is difficult at the best of times so how do insurance professionals fill the talent pipelin...
March 6, 2020

Ryan McMahon-Cambridge Mobile Telematics

Usage-based insurance is not a new concept but telematics has evolved and Ryan McMahon, VP of Insurance for Cambridge Mobile Telematics explains how. The technology has moved way beyond plugging something into the OBD II por...