
April 25, 2024

You Want Me to Touch My Knee With My Head??

Janu shirshasana, or head to knee pose, is a forward-bending pose yoga. In it, we are encouraged to direct our head towards our knee, but I want to make something very clear - your head does not need to touch your knee, and in most of our bodies, it won’t.
April 21, 2024

Balance and Strength - with a side of knee!

Many postures in yoga address finding balance in the physical body. These poses encourage us to focus the mind, and from this focus we able to find steadiness in the balance pose.
April 11, 2024

Paschimottanasana - Say What??

This seated forward fold is a calming and cooling pose which helps to alleviate stress and anxiety, in addition to helping to relax the mind.
April 4, 2024

Let's stand on one foot... and see what happens!

There are many yoga poses that themselves are balancing poses - they challenge the balance in our bodies. However, these poses aren’t only on the physical level - balance poses also need the mind.
March 28, 2024

Dandasana - Sit Tall!

Dandasana or staff pose is a seated posture that has at its foundation the task of improving posture and lengthening our spines; aspects we use in each and every yoga pose we do.
March 21, 2024

Supta Bhadda Konasana - Just another shape?

Today we are going to explore a pose that is not only relaxing but also amazing for so many reasons - its such a calming pose that I often tell people they can remain in it for as much as 20 minutes!
March 14, 2024

Each yoga pose is just a shape - like triangle!

Triangle pose or trikonasana is a pose that provides multiple benefits for the body and the mind all in one posture.
March 7, 2024

Sukasana - Ah Finally an 'Easy' Pose

Sukasana or sitting with legs crossed is a familiar pose to most of us, and even though it is referred to as easy pose, its not always as simple as it seems.
Feb. 29, 2024

Chair series #6 - Chair Downward Dog

This variation of Downward facing dog is a wonderful way to explore the pose, and with a bit of help from the chair, your heels may touch your mat!
Feb. 22, 2024

Chair Series #5 - Pigeon Pose Chair style

Sitting can be very hard on the hips, so what if I tell you there is a way to open up your hips while you are sitting? Intrigued??
Feb. 15, 2024

Chair series #4 - Stretching out our feet while sitting

Stretching out our feet (and ankles) anytime and anywhere we are seated will help alleviate tension in this overused and under appreciated part of the body!
Feb. 8, 2024

Chair series #3 - Chair seated twist

The seated chair twist not only benefits the internal body, but also opens up the hips and stretches the neck, chest, shoulders, and upper and lower back.
Feb. 1, 2024

Chair series #2 - Side stretching on a chair

Side bending while sitting on a chair can help to bring length and space to our side bodies, as well as to stretch and open our necks, shoulders, back muscles and spines.
Jan. 25, 2024

Chair series #1 - Folding on a chair

Forward Folding while sitting on a chair not only benefits the physical body, but it also brings ease and calm to the emotional body.
Jan. 19, 2024


How's your low back? If you have any pain or strain in the low back or lumbar spine you have come to the right place.
Jan. 12, 2024

Puppy Pose

Interested in a delicious deep stretch to the upper body? Let’s open the heart with puppy pose!
Jan. 3, 2024

Legs Up the Wall

Legs up the wall or vipariti karani has so many benefits for the body it’s sometimes hard to believe how much this one posture can do.
Dec. 22, 2023

Yoga for the Holidays (and other tips)

Today the podcast examines holiday stress and over indulgence, reminding everyone to breathe and digest.
Dec. 15, 2023

Are we getting intense?

Parsvotanasana is a standing forward fold which challenges the hips and the hamstrings as well as our balance.
Dec. 8, 2023

Where There's a Wall, There's a Way

Wall stretch, sometimes referred to as wall push, is where we use a wall to assist in our yoga practice. An energizing pose that stretches the back of the legs and shoulders amongst other areas, this pose can be done anywhere there is a wall!
Nov. 29, 2023

Warrior 1's second cousin

Moving on to explore a different warrior in the warrior family, we will look at Warrior 2 which encourages strength, flexibility and hip opening.
Nov. 24, 2023

Channel Your Inner Warrior

Warrior 1, on a physical level improves flexibility, balance and strength; on an emotional level it can help you power through a challenging time.
Nov. 17, 2023

Let's Do Lunge!

When we explore the lunge in yoga, we find a pose that not only strengthens the body but also helps to improve our flexibility as well.
Nov. 10, 2023

Mountains of Fun

Is mountain pose just standing or is there much more to it?