
April 26, 2022

34. Confessions of a Former Mommy Martyr

Confessions of a shopaholic - move over, there’s a new kid on the block and she’s running out of steam. Mommy martyrdom is rife in today’s world, but is it really helpful? Spoiler alert -it’s not, and I am pretty vocal on the podcast as to why...
April 19, 2022

32. Multitasking Mom is NOT the Name of a Superhero!

When I think about a typical mom, I picture a woman running out the door, her hair in a bun, she's got a kid on a hip, four bags in her hand, she probably has earbuds in, and she's doing 35 things at once. And guess what? She's getting it all done....
April 12, 2022

31. My Kids Are Going Through Puberty! How Do I Deal With It?

Okay everyone, we’re getting real here and talking about the scary P-word - PUBERTY. Did any scary music play after reading that word? Listen, we’ve all been through it but actually being on the receiving end of your child’s hormonal journey is...
April 5, 2022

30. The Participation Trophy & How It Works (or doesn't)!

You are in the driver’s seat of your life and that means you need to lead the way. Now it can be tough as moms, especially, since we have a million and one things to do and not enough time to do any of it. How can we possibly sit in the driver’s...
April 1, 2022

29. Momplex Chat- Parenting with Anxiety: A Conversation with Tori Humphrey

Motherhood is demanding and it is so important as moms to focus on your mental health and balance, not only to survive and thrive but also to be at our best because we have the responsibility to guide and lead our little humans.   In today’s...
March 29, 2022

28. De-cluttering and Why It’s the Best Self-Care!

Marie Kondo sparked a global movement for a reason! There is something not only helpful but incredibly cathartic about decluttering. Decluttering doesn’t even have to be physical items, it can also mean clearing up whatever junk we have occupying...
March 22, 2022

27. Mom Energy & Where to Find It!

Remember when we were in our early 20s and we could pull 3 back to back all-nighters and make time for weekend shenanigans, only to repeat the whole cycle all over again? Oh to be young and full of infinite energy. Fast forward some odd years later...
March 18, 2022

26. Momplex Chat w/ Lydia Fenet (aka- The Most Powerful Woman in the Room)

We’re doing something a little different today! Instead of just hearing my voice, I brought on a dear friend and amazing woman to share her own experiences in life, tragedy and motherhood.   In today’s episode I am talking to Lydia Fenet,...
March 15, 2022

25. I Let My Daughter Pierce Her Nose, Here's Why!

Earlier this March my baby girl turned 15 and with this came the opportunity to pierce her nose. Yes, I let my daughter pierce her nose. Honestly, I thought she’d outgrow this request but she was very adamant and continued to advocate for the...
March 8, 2022

24. What to Do When Your Kid’s Being an Ass!

Listen up mama’s because we’re covering something that a lot of us feel ashamed to talk about, but I will tell you right now I'm going through this exact experience as we speak. I love my kids, and I know you love your kids too, but right now my...
March 1, 2022

23. Momplex Chat: Incredible & Inspiring Chat with Health Coach & Mom Veronica Koons

In today’s episode, I talk to my good friend and health coach Veronica. She is a fabulous person with amazing nuggets of advice to share with you!   During our conversation, Veronica is so candid about her feelings as she explains how she...
Feb. 22, 2022

22. How I got here!

Anything that you want to make happen in your life is a choice. You can choose to take the trip, you can choose to stay home, you can choose to attend the party and accept the invitation, you can choose to say no, you can choose to adopt a new habit,...
Feb. 15, 2022

21. You Know What You Need to Do but You Won't!

Anytime you have a new thing to do, whether that’s a new start of a new school year, or a new phase with your kid or a new job or a new home, any new adjustment in life, there's always a transition phase where you figure things out and try to...
Feb. 7, 2022

20. What's the Rush?

What is the rush? I'm serious. Why are you rushing today and where are you rushing to? Even if you're listening to this podcast right now, I know you're probably doing one, two, maybe three other things at the same time. I see you, Mama, you know why?...
Feb. 1, 2022

19. Joy Called Shotgun!

It can be easy to push aside our thoughts and table them for another day. Better yet as a mom we can completely ignore them and pretend they don’t exist right? Wrong. Because while it may seem easy at first, sooner or later those emotions are going...
Jan. 25, 2022

18. Leave Your Ego at the Door!

Being a mom does not require your ego. What is actually required is your heart. As a parent, it is our love, our loyalty, our support, our trust, and our confidence in our kiddos that matters most. Raising children is about reminding them that we...
Jan. 18, 2022

17. May You Be Happy

I have attempted meditation a few times before in my life, but I always ended up quitting because honestly, I wasn't really ready and open to it, so it was hard to commit, making quitting was easy. I have embarked on this rinse and repeat cycle for...
Jan. 11, 2022

16. Let's Develop Some Discipline, Mama!

It can be easy to lose track of our goals the moment we get deeper into the New Year. As a mom, I know you can have better and more consistent self discipline this year. If you're like me, you have your eye on some incredible goals and some things you...
Jan. 4, 2022

15. Dream It & Then Real Life It!

One of my favorite quotes is “dreamed it then real lifed it” and honestly this quote has revolutionized the way I approach life and my own dreams. When I read something that moves me, it just knocks me over and it is life-changing. But how can you...
Dec. 28, 2021

14. The Lasso Way

When you start to allow those limiting beliefs to come back and settle in your mental space, the fear and the self-doubt and the sadness can feel overwhelming and even negative. In reality, the best way to tackle these limiting beliefs is to make...
Dec. 21, 2021

13. It's Time to Be Selfish, You Willing?

When was the last time you stopped to consider your own needs without worrying about someone else? I bet I know the answer, and it's precisely why I'm sitting here on the floor in my makeshift podcast studio to talk about this important subject. As a...
Dec. 14, 2021

12. Sorry, Not Sorry!

It’s second nature to apologize, whether we bump into someone on the street or we hurt a loved one unintentionally. As women especially we tend to say sorry more than our male counterparts, in fact, according to a psychological study conducted in...