
July 29, 2022

59. MOMPLEX MINI: When Did You Stop Loving Your Life?

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July 26, 2022

58. "You Look Great" and Other Phrases That Hurt!

As women, there is immense pressure to look a certain way, no matter our age. In fact, aging isn’t even in the equation! We shouldn’t look like moms but we should act like them, we shouldn’t age but we shouldn’t dress too young, we should be...
July 19, 2022

57. How (and Why) to Stop Caring What Others Think of You!

The main point of my platform and my purpose is to help you to stop turning outward for validation and self-worth. My goal is to help you filter out some of the external noise so that at the end of the day, the voice you hear and the one you trust the...
July 15, 2022

56. MOMPLEX MINI: Stop Thinking Just Do!

Join Stressed to Success:  Book a Free Discovery Call:  Connect with Scottie: IG:
July 12, 2022

55. Parent Denial Hurts Them More than Helps Them!

This episode is inspired by a story that really demonstrates a very common behaviour pattern amongst parents. This isn't about shaming parents at all, but I think it’s great to shed light on this behavior and really be honest and ask ourselves how...
July 8, 2022

54. MOMPLEX MINI: Feeling Sluggish This Summer? I Got Tips to Help!

Join Stressed to Success:    Book a Free Discovery Call:    Connect with Scottie: IG:
July 5, 2022

53. What You Do TODAY Creates Your Future!

One day, if you put in the work, and you actually prioritize your well-being your life will change. You will wake up one day and all of a sudden you're in this place where you don't feel the need to reach out for external validation anymore. Why?...
June 28, 2022

52. Interview with The Undomestic Mom, Taran Conwell

In today’s episode I am talking to my fellow mom and friend Taran Conwell. She has three beautiful kids and honestly folks she is out there burning the midnight oil! Taran helps Millennial Moms prioritize self care and hosts The Undomestic Mom...
June 24, 2022

51. MOMPLEX MINI: The Pep Talk You Need Today!!

Join Stressed to Success:  Book a Free Discovery Call:  Connect with Scottie: IG:
June 21, 2022

50. Main Character Energy... Do You Have It & Do You Live It?

Main character energy is all the rage these days! It refers to the idea of living your life as if you were the leading role in a movie. As the main character, your life according to your own terms knowing that the only person you have to show up for...
June 17, 2022

49. MOMPLEX MINI: The Ripple Effect

Book a Free Discovery Call:  Connect with Scottie: IG:
June 14, 2022

48. Your Inner Voice: Cheerleader or Sabotager?

The biggest dilemma a lot of moms face is asking for what you want and getting it. We’re told that’s exactly what we should do, but how do you do that? How do you tap into what really matters to you, and get the confidence to face your fear and...
June 10, 2022

47. MOMPLEX MINI: If You Aren't Saying Heck Yes to Yourself, Who the Heck Will?

Join Stressed to Success:  Book a Free Discovery Call:  Connect with Scottie: IG:
June 7, 2022

46. The Stress Response, Part 2 (Freeze, Fawn)

This two part episode covers everything you need to know about the stress response and the role stress plays in our everyday life. It is so important to realize the impact that stress has not only on your everyday decisions and the results that you're...
June 3, 2022

45. MOMPLEX MINI: I Got a Massage. End of Sentence!

Connect with Scottie: IG:
May 31, 2022

44. Your Stress Response, Part 1 (Fight or Flight)

This two-part episode covers everything you need to know about the stress response and the role stress plays in our everyday life. It is so important to realize the impact that stress has not only on your everyday decisions and the results that you're...
May 27, 2022

43. MOMPLEX MINI: Why Do We Make It So Damn Hard?

Connect with Scottie: IG:
May 24, 2022

42. Momplex Chat: The Fit Life with Jessica Smith

In today’s episode I talk to Jessica, my online mom friend who is also an accountability coach, wife and all around boss babe! Jessica is passionate about fitness and helping all women feel beautiful and confident from the inside out.   ...
May 17, 2022

40. You Have One Life, How You Gonna Live It?

I have a confession to make. On this podcast, I have always preached authenticity and finding the why behind what you do. In the past, I have explained what has motivated me to start a podcast but in reality, I have been holding back a little bit. I...
May 13, 2022

39. MOMPLEX MINI: How You Introduce Yourself Says A Lot!

Connect with Scottie: IG:
May 10, 2022

38. The Working Mom/SAHM Battle That No One Is Winning!

It’s crazy how in 2022 we are still having this completely nonsensical battle between stay-at-home moms versus working moms. I mean it blows my mind! Why do we as moms find every reason to battle each other when we are already dealing with so many...
May 3, 2022

36. How You Speak to Yourself Matters & How It Creates Your Results!

I'm talking to you, the human, the woman, the person, not the mom, when I am asking if you feel connected to yourself. Because when it comes to the relationship you have with yourself, this is paramount. This is where you start everything, and it’s...